408 bridge pickup compared to other humbuckers


New Member
Aug 6, 2013
I've seen few threads on the 408 pickups but I have a very specific question that I'd love to get your feedback on (or please point me to the right thread if there is one already):

How does the 408 BRIDGE pickup in humbucking mode compare to other, "regular" humbuckers? What's the output like? Does it have more bass/treble? Pick attack? Is it more vintage or modern? Etc…

It would be especially cool if you could compare it to Dragon 2's, 7's or 59/09's as those are the PRS pickups I am most familiar with (but anything helps so don't hold back if you don't know these specifically). I'll see if I can go try a 408 myself but I thought maybe some of you have compared your 408 to other PRS guitars already so I am curious to hear your thoughts!
The 408 bridge is very clear and balanced. It's hot, but not Tremonti hot. Hotter than 57/08s or the DGT or 245. Tapping it doesn't result in the volume loss you may be used to when going to single coil mode.

The 408 has handled everything I've thrown at it. Country-style stuff, gospel stuff, ballads, classic rock, even metal. I'd lean it more towards a modern sound - meaning it doesn't strike me as being vintage like the DGT or 57/08.
Actually, Alan, I found that rolling the volume off a little gave a good impression of a 57/08, at least with my guitar.
I don't own one, but played a fantastic Paul's and a nice 408 back to back two days ago. The pups are very clear, modern it hour being too hot (like Alan and Les say). They have really good range and seemed very open--not compressed at all. Of the two I played, the Paul's KILLED. It was much more rich and full, and the bridge was a little hotter than the full sized 408.

Both were awesome. The Paul's was outstanding.
Actually, Alan, I found that rolling the volume off a little gave a good impression of a 57/08, at least with my guitar.

What is this "rolling the volume off"? I don't understand... :dontknow:
Thanks so much, this is exactly the type of feedback I was looking for!
I don't own one, but played a fantastic Paul's and a nice 408 back to back two days ago. The pups are very clear, modern it hour being too hot (like Alan and Les say). They have really good range and seemed very open--not compressed at all. Of the two I played, the Paul's KILLED. It was much more rich and full, and the bridge was a little hotter than the full sized 408.

Both were awesome. The Paul's was outstanding.

Wow, this surprises me! I would've expected the full sized 408 pickup to sound fuller... probably just because it looks (and physically is) bigger haha. Interesting! May need to check out a Paul's guitar too then...
Wow, this surprises me! I would've expected the full sized 408 pickup to sound fuller... probably just because it looks (and physically is) bigger haha. Interesting! May need to check out a Paul's guitar too then...

Tread lightly, The PG is a stone cold killer...

The neck pup in single coil mode is so sweet it'll give you a toothache and the bridge pup is just raunchy...

Pretty sure when the PG Standard rolls out, I will have to have one of those immediately!!!
Our own Hansomatic is quite the fan of the narrow 408 bridge pup...
Haha, what have I done... this might get expensive real soon ;-)
Dragon II's on my CU22 sound more aggressive, which work better for modern high gain stuffs, for anything else I prefer my 408.
I have the full sized 408 in my Korina Std 408 and a BM model. I like the full sized 408 for hard rock tones. To me it sounds more compressed and slightly hotter than the BM bridge. The 408 guitar itself is also a little brighter than the BM but that might be the Korina neck. I still prefer the 59/09 bridge for a more open and vintagey LP kind of snarl in my 245 scale guitars. The biggest advantage to the 408 is the split tones for me as they do excel at that, if you don't split that much, I'd say maybe look elsewhere. I only keep the BM around for strat tones. For almost everything else, I play my Ted 245 guitars.
To me the 408 Bridge ( 408s in general ) are a great tonal starting point if fits right in the middle of all my guitars in tonal terms not to bright or dark just NICE :) works great with pedals or amp gain has a nice vintage feel if you work the Vol pot and cuts thru a mix really well for me, add the split (which sounds great IMHO) and its hard to go wrong. level wise it has a nice output not over the top just strong can easily push long cable or large pedal boards.