2009 PRS Blue Sierra amp problems Resolved

Thank you just wanted to get a reference, I have set bias on many amps these amps are nice with set up using multi meter .
Gig yesterday went well, was outdoor stage we couldnt afford our Horn̈ section so we did 5 peice, plenty of guitar solos on New Amp PRS Blue Sierra CAD amp. First gig 2 sets music ,amp was a bit bright at first then got it dialed in and was wonderfull,Everyone in band loved it the voice is way better each not comes thru .Will try and get some Video clips going .Many Complements on my tones. I may try some different Slpeakers I am not a fan of Vintage 30s .
Just wanted to say Thanks to all the great people Here on this fine forum for there support on my amp issues without you guys I probably would have given up on getting this amp up and running ,That shows a great bunch of folks,I really like this place.
Hello I recently Sent my Blue Sierra Amp to Factory in Maryland to have it repaired ,A previous owner attempted a repair on rectifier diodes and did a bad job so the factory repaired them and replaced 1ea 100uf Electrolytic mains cap that was worn .they did a fast great turnaround on amp after testing my amp the filiment fuse blew more than once and finally got that stable it sounds terrible very thin and fizzy low power. Tested speaker and all good. I really don't know what to do at this point it cost me alot for shipping and repairs and can't afford to send it back. This amp used to sound incredible when new.
I got to sit in with some of my heros the Marshal Tucker band last night in Texas ,They got me up on guitar and I did a solo on song Cant you see, I will try and upload Video of it soon here.