2009 PRS Blue Sierra amp problems Resolved

Shipped my Blue Sierra amp back for repairs this is the 3rd time .keeps coming back and Filiment fuses burning up at power up while in Stand by? Tested Speaker all good Reverb tank is fine and fan tests good.Dont know what is missed.I really hope PRS can get it fixed and sounding as it should . So frustrating
Hang in there bud! :)
I went to Dallas Guitar Festival this last weekend ,I missed last few years but this year I noticed many of the Bigger Name Companies were not there? I was Looking For PRS Paul has been one of the guys that in the past was always there and very Active at the shows? Was wanting to speak with him about my PRS amp issues .
Since they shut down CAD and most US amp production, I wonder how much skilled labor they have to do amp repairs?
I really have Faith They will get my amp in Skilled experienced hands ,It makes you wonder since they Discontinued the CAD amps who is doing repairs on these models.
I did get confirmation from PRS tech center that amp was received last Thursday for further repairs. I wish that since this is the 3rd go round without good results they would have Designer Doug Sewell look at my Amp. I am sure he is a busy man.
At this point I would start to question the Power Transformer. Going back to your first post and they had to replace 1 main power filter cap because it was worn is odd. A quality capacitor should still be fine given the relatively young age of the amp and given everything else being OK.

I say this because I own a 2 Channel H 50 watt Combo 1x12. I bought it quickly at one of the PRS Experience and didn’t get to give it a good go there. Once I got it home it worked and still works OK, but has an extreme amount of hiss that it not normal. I too have an electronics background and have built and repair amps. I did some minor checking like tube swapping and some measurements and nothing helped and and everything was good as far as proper voltages. I didn’t want to tear into it much further at the time because of voiding warranty. I already had a Dumble clone I built that covered everything I needed so the PRS amp sort of got ignored. At a following Experience I was able to get Doug Sewell’s attention for a minute or two and told him about the hiss. Even though I could tell he had a hundred other things on his mind he took the time and hinted that there was some caps that were causing problems and seemed to be referring to bypass caps in a certain area, but didn’t go into detail and said to call PTC and would get it straight. I never did send the amp in to PTC.

On another note and more regarding your problem I’m not sure what transformer was used in the Sierra, but at the time they were experimenting with different (what I always understood) to be custom made power transformers by two different companies. Thus the H & C designation on my particular amp model. I have to wonder if they are having a hard time sourcing these transformers now and hoping to solve the issue with easier methods. Just a thought and nothing to it back up. But something is very odd about your situation. Tube amps are not that hard to diagnose and fix as long as you have the knowledge and right parts. I guess this worries me that PRS are not able to handle repairs on these custom and somewhat novel design amps of that time. It makes me sad that they couldn’t make a go of the American made more custom amp line. I have to admit I’m glad I didn’t put the same money into PRS amps as I did their guitars.

The only other question I would ask is are you plugging into the mains power of your house and is the voltage close to correct? I know I have heard in some parts of the country the mains voltage is fluctuating from too much above or two much below ~110 to 120. Like climbing upwards to 130Vac. Mainly I don’t get how it seems to test fine at the repair shop and then immediately fails at home. Of course excluding any form of incompetence which I hope is not the case. I’m definitely interested in hearing the final outcome because I do want to eventually get my PRS amp performing its best.

Sorry for the long post.
At this point I would start to question the Power Transformer. Going back to your first post and they had to replace 1 main power filter cap because it was worn is odd. A quality capacitor should still be fine given the relatively young age of the amp and given everything else being OK.

I say this because I own a 2 Channel H 50 watt Combo 1x12. I bought it quickly at one of the PRS Experience and didn’t get to give it a good go there. Once I got it home it worked and still works OK, but has an extreme amount of hiss that it not normal. I too have an electronics background and have built and repair amps. I did some minor checking like tube swapping and some measurements and nothing helped and and everything was good as far as proper voltages. I didn’t want to tear into it much further at the time because of voiding warranty. I already had a Dumble clone I built that covered everything I needed so the PRS amp sort of got ignored. At a following Experience I was able to get Doug Sewell’s attention for a minute or two and told him about the hiss. Even though I could tell he had a hundred other things on his mind he took the time and hinted that there was some caps that were causing problems and seemed to be referring to bypass caps in a certain area, but didn’t go into detail and said to call PTC and would get it straight. I never did send the amp in to PTC.

On another note and more regarding your problem I’m not sure what transformer was used in the Sierra, but at the time they were experimenting with different (what I always understood) to be custom made power transformers by two different companies. Thus the H & C designation on my particular amp model. I have to wonder if they are having a hard time sourcing these transformers now and hoping to solve the issue with easier methods. Just a thought and nothing to it back up. But something is very odd about your situation. Tube amps are not that hard to diagnose and fix as long as you have the knowledge and right parts. I guess this worries me that PRS are not able to handle repairs on these custom and somewhat novel design amps of that time. It makes me sad that they couldn’t make a go of the American made more custom amp line. I have to admit I’m glad I didn’t put the same money into PRS amps as I did their guitars.

The only other question I would ask is are you plugging into the mains power of your house and is the voltage close to correct? I know I have heard in some parts of the country the mains voltage is fluctuating from too much above or two much below ~110 to 120. Like climbing upwards to 130Vac. Mainly I don’t get how it seems to test fine at the repair shop and then immediately fails at home. Of course excluding any form of incompetence which I hope is not the case. I’m definitely interested in hearing the final outcome because I do want to eventually get my PRS amp performing its best.

Sorry for the long post.
Thank you Soundperf you bring some good points. I do have a Brownbox that let's you set voltages out of the wall that I use on gigs with my Tweed copy amps I built .the voltages at my home AC wall outlet runs about 117 ac, the second time this amp went back to PRS tech center the said they found a bare spot on a heater wire Close to V1 tube that had rubbed on a screw . They patched that wire and claimed no more blown filament fuses . But as you read it blew fuses within 3 seconds of power switch on. I am also wondering about the power transformer condition. If power transformer needs replaced I am concerned about Availability? Now that these models are Discontinued. Just have to see what happens this time.
Thank you Soundperf you bring some good points. I do have a Brownbox that let's you set voltages out of the wall that I use on gigs with my Tweed copy amps I built .the voltages at my home AC wall outlet runs about 117 ac, the second time this amp went back to PRS tech center the said they found a bare spot on a heater wire Close to V1 tube that had rubbed on a screw . They patched that wire and claimed no more blown filament fuses . But as you read it blew fuses within 3 seconds of power switch on. I am also wondering about the power transformer condition. If power transformer needs replaced I am concerned about Availability? Now that these models are Discontinued. Just have to see what happens this time.
For sure and I hope I didn’t bring your spirits down. I know how waiting can be. I was sort of commiserating along with you. However as others have said, I do have great respect and confidence in PRS and they’ll make this right. Thanks for the reply.
Well No news yet on Blue Sierra amp Repairs, It's been with PRS tech center 7 days today .I did send an email today asking about ay updates. One just has to exercise patents at this point I know they are working on it. I was hoping it might get the Attention of Mr Doug Sewell to get amp troubles resolved . Thanks to all Forum members for there support on amp
Well No news yet on Blue Sierra amp Repairs, It's been with PRS tech center 7 days today .I did send an email today asking about ay updates. One just has to exercise patents at this point I know they are working on it. I was hoping it might get the Attention of Mr Doug Sewell to get amp troubles resolved . Thanks to all Forum members for there support on amp
Got Email from PRS repair Tech center this morning and was Informed my amp repairs are completed, They didn't state what was done as I have asked. Hopefully it is done and working as it should.
Got good news over weekend on my Blue sierra amp repairs, The tech found that my fan was missingva grommet that was causing the diodes in circuit to short ,its all in line woth heater circuit, They also swapped a 220uf cap out that was updated in later models ,Mine is a 2009 year. And replaced power tubes that were Questionable, Great Folks there. It sounds as they got to the Root of the problems .Its shipping out soon.