2009 PRS Blue Sierra amp problems Resolved

Got good news over weekend on my Blue sierra amp repairs, The tech found that my fan was missingva grommet that was causing the diodes in circuit to short ,its all in line woth heater circuit, They also swapped a 220uf cap out that was updated in later models ,Mine is a 2009 year. And replaced power tubes that were Questionable, Great Folks there. It sounds as they got to the Root of the problems .Its shipping out soon.
I cant wait to get my Blue Sierra amp home now I know that the source of trouble was found with the fan shorting out Diodes and fungers crissed the tone is all in order. My only gripe with this amp is the weight for a 112 amp its heavy .perhaps later swap speaker for a Neo Celestion ? Or just deal with it on a flat Dolly with wheels on gigs .I have been gigging a 5E3 Deluxe build thats really light
MY Blue Sierra amp will be home this Tuesday all repaired , I want to Let everyone know that PRS service is one of the best service to all of us , When I first contacted them on doing factory repair on my amp I didnt want to ship the complets amp and risk shipping damages so I was ok by PRS to ship chassis only. After 2 returns and alot of stress the fuses kept blowing as many of you have read .So 3rd return I sent chassis Fan and reverb tank I knew speaker tested good , Well the problem was the Fan was missing a jack grommet and in turn shorting the fan diodes on testing amp at home ,So Not PRS fault in any way ,they caught it. It really my fault I didnt see it and amp came to me as is. PRS really took care of me at only the first charge Took care of shipping each time and Installed a new set of power tubes ,Fan grommett, and a few filter caps and diodes. Thanks to all Forum members for there support of my amp troubles.
My Blue Sierra was delivered fed to my house today after 3 returns to and from PRS Tech center for repairs , Installed chassis and Speaker ,reverb tank ,Plugged it in and........
.....IT WORKS PERFECTLY!. soooo happy sounds incredible.no more fuses blowing ,What an amp
Took alot of patence but PRS took really great care of me and upgraded some parts Gave me a new set of power tubes. My hat is off To Paul and crew cant wait to gig it this week. I will try and upload some of this Tone monster once I figure out how to upload to this Forum. Thanks to all mebers here for your support to me during this time .
My Blue Sierra was delivered fed to my house today after 3 returns to and from PRS Tech center for repairs , Installed chassis and Speaker ,reverb tank ,Plugged it in and........
.....IT WORKS PERFECTLY!. soooo happy sounds incredible.no more fuses blowing ,What an amp
Took alot of patence but PRS took really great care of me and upgraded some parts Gave me a new set of power tubes. My hat is off To Paul and crew cant wait to gig it this week. I will try and upload some of this Tone monster once I figure out how to upload to this Forum. Thanks to all mebers here for your support to me during this time .
Fantastic news! Third time's the charm.
My Blue Sierra was delivered fed to my house today after 3 returns to and from PRS Tech center for repairs , Installed chassis and Speaker ,reverb tank ,Plugged it in and........
.....IT WORKS PERFECTLY!. soooo happy sounds incredible.no more fuses blowing ,What an amp
Took alot of patence but PRS took really great care of me and upgraded some parts Gave me a new set of power tubes. My hat is off To Paul and crew cant wait to gig it this week. I will try and upload some of this Tone monster once I figure out how to upload to this Forum. Thanks to all mebers here for your support to me during this time .
So glad to hear that.
Crank those tones out!
Today has been a great amp Day ,this CAD amp has great touch sensitivity and such good tone. It breaks up with the guitar volume control and cleans up when you turn the volume control down. I may go with some KT77 tubes to get a tad more clean headroom but I will know more after I gig it with the band. So pleased amp is working well and factory repaired.
Today has been a great amp Day ,this CAD amp has great touch sensitivity and such good tone. It breaks up with the guitar volume control and cleans up when you turn the volume control down. I may go with some KT77 tubes to get a tad more clean headroom but I will know more after I gig it with the band. So pleased amp is working well and factory repaired.
That's awesome! Happy to hear that everything got sorted out.
I've had my KT77's for a year and they are well worth the extra. Keep the gain low and Master high and it's plenty clean, get the gain about a 1/4 and it still has the girth
I've had my KT77's for a year and they are well worth the extra. Keep the gain low and Master high and it's plenty clean, get the gain about a 1/4 and it still has the girth
Where is your bias number on the KT77 set? Curious if you dont mind ,Thank you
At the Risk of Boring you guys I have to say My gig is tomarro and tonight I tested my gear Blue Sierra amp with my pedalboard and I ran my Brownbox to Wall volts AC from 123v down to 116 v and This amp is such a killer Tone and touch sensitivity is off the charts , Amp does all I ask it to do .a joy to play cant wait to air it out with the band
At the Risk of Boring you guys I have to say My gig is tomarro and tonight I tested my gear Blue Sierra amp with my pedalboard and I ran my Brownbox to Wall volts AC from 123v down to 116 v and This amp is such a killer Tone and touch sensitivity is off the charts , Amp does all I ask it to do .a joy to play cant wait to air it out with the band
We need audio/video clips! 😁