We are NOT Customer Service


Zombie Zero, DFZ
Aug 1, 1985
*** Public Service Announcement ***

The Official PRS Forum is a living/breathing community of PRS fans. We are consumers of PRS products and are *not* an extension of the Customer Service Department at PRS Guitars. If you have business with PRS, please send an email to [email protected]. Alternatively, you can call them at 410-643-9970. They're open from 0900 until 1600 (Eastern Time) from Monday through Friday.

Yes, we understand that many companies suck and won't do the right thing unless you lean on the court of public opinion. PRS isn't one of those companies. Their Customer Service is solid. More often than not, folks who have tried to bully PRS with these tactics haven't done themselves any favors.

For those of you who aren't sure whether or not an issue is even worth reaching-out to your dealer (or to PRS), you should still contact them first. Chances are good that those folks are trying to build customer relationships, increase product knowledge, improve product/production quality, and refine business processes. By discussing your concern with them, you will almost certainly get the answer you wanted, in the time-frame you wanted it.

Bottom Line: If you're new here and you only signed-up to gather a virtual mob to try and get your SE upgraded to a core model for all your pain and suffering, don't expect a warm welcome.

Thanks! I like PRS so much I sold all my other guitars. I’m in customer service for over 50 years, and I don’t expect perfection in every transaction. The real test of a company is how they resolve problems. PRS has always come through in the best possible manner for me. There’s never any point in trying them in the court of public opinion. They will work with you to fix things as equitably as possible.