Tip of the day...


Apr 26, 2012
when throwing laundry into the hamper, do not ball it up to make it aerodynamic. it will not wash as well as it should and it will raise the ire of the washer woman. just sayin...
My own laundry-related tip of the day:

If you ever manage to somehow lose a handful of napkins from McDonalds in the laundry basket, DO NOT just assume that 'they probably fell out somewhere'. Find them at all costs! If not, be prepared to hear about it the rest of your days.

(Learned from personal experience during my high school days. My mother's last words were probably something mumbled about 'those d _ _ n napkins...'.)

Tip of the day: Get a *Magic Underware Drawer* like me.

It's awesome. I just throw day-old undies and socks into the hamper. A few days later, they are clean and folded in my *Magic Underwear Drawer*.
]-[ @ n $ 0 |v| a T ! ©;162707 said:
Tip of the day: Get a *Magic Underware Drawer* like me.

It's awesome. I just throw day-old undies and socks into the hamper. A few days later, they are clean and folded in my *Magic Underwear Drawer*.

You wear underwear?
]-[ @ n $ 0 |v| a T ! ©;162707 said:
Tip of the day: Get a *Magic Underware Drawer* like me.

It's awesome. I just throw day-old undies and socks into the hamper. A few days later, they are clean and folded in my *Magic Underwear Drawer*.

I used to have one of those!

But then the washer-woman decided I had to fold my own stuff and put it away.

This is most certainly not what I bargained for, but as the washer-woman once reminded me, she married a lawyer, not a musician.
Tip Of The Day:
When clothes are dirty, just turn them inside out and wear the fresh side against your skin.
Next day repeat process.
Save lots of $$$ on laundry.
Buy more guitars.