Who's your truss rod cover guy?


New Member
Mar 5, 2013
Gambrills, MD
Everybody's got a guy (or gal), so I figured I'd ask - I'm looking to get a flame maple truss rod cover for a Custom 24. Bonus if it can be stained as close to Bonnie Pink Smokeburst as possible. Where do y'all go for custom wood truss rod covers? Who's your guy/gal? :cool:
Here a pic of work @docteurseb did for one of my PRSi! He did both TRC and tuner buttons. He did the same along with back plates for my CU24, but I do not have any pix at the moment of that work. Keep in mind, trying to match the color with just pictures adds an extra layer of complexity, but when the elements are spaced apart (TRC to body), there is more leeway. He will get it right though! BTW, the color for this PRS is Jade Green and you can see pix of it here and here.

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I like the stock TRCs.

The plain, subtle look seems to go best with the design. I don't want to notice a TRC.

Then too, 3 of my TRCs came on PS models, and they simply match the headstock veneer. Less is more when it comes to that part; though I could see a plain TRC matching the headstock veneer or finish instead of the one with lettering or inlays, but it should disappear when looking at the guitar, as far as I'm concerned.

The Ron Thorn TRCs for the old PRS Forum were indeed gorgeous in and of themselves, and I bought a handful, but I wound up removing them from my guitars and giving them to friends because I thought they distracted from the guitars' appearance.

I know - sacrilege!

There's very little about me that's normal. ;)
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