I think the quilts look really good with blues. I am just a little concerned about fading with the blues. I have seen a few finishes that are based on red that look good with the quilt too. I think the one was called Dragon's Breath. From what I have seen I think they have color samples on figured maple there to look at. For me, that will be a really good way to nail the color down.My DGT is an orange tiger WL quilt. Based on this, I think the quilts look better in blues, silvers and purples. The flame top never fails a color.
I am definitely open to something like that.
I like that one a lot!Had to chose quilt because a picture of this PS got me drooling about PRS initially:
My CU22 10 top has a real tight pinstripe type of flame in the top. My understanding is that the tighter flame is a harder maple and has a different tone to it. I am not sure about that since it is the only CU22 I have so I have nothing else to compare it to. I just know that once the 57/08 pickups went into it, it became a guitar that I really like playing.Tight vertical flame
The original Dragon's Breath, on quilt is my favorite finish. You can feel the heat coming off of it (guitar is not mine, just found the pic online!)I have seen a few finishes that are based on red that look good with the quilt too. I think the one was called Dragon's Breath.
I have been thinking of thinning things down for a while now. The thought of reinvesting the money is a PS that I get to spec out is motivation to be okay with not getting as much out of my gear as I would really like to get. I have sent pictures and specs off to a place to see what they will give me for two of them. That is the farthest I have made it to date. My other thought was trade them in to a place that could be the dealer for my PS build. I am not sure how many dealers do that.This thread about PS wood figuring reminds me:
I've been fighting the urge to sell one of my current PS models to help fund a PS DGT, since that's been my jam lately, and I adore the tone I'm getting with the WL DGT in my little stable.
Anyway, I made of point of playing all three of my PS electrics quite a bit this past few days to figure out which one(s) I could get away with selling, but then fell madly in love with each one all over again.
The color of these PS models didn't matter; the figuring in the wood didn't matter, either (I have both flame and quilt). The feel and the tone of each one is unique and they all feel irreplaceable. Sure, I could get similar tones, but that ain't much like the exact same tones.
Does it make sense to take a hit selling guitars I know I love to buy another guitar I might love? Nah.
GAS can be a really crazy thing!
The pic came with the frame.Zombie pic, taken nearly 10 years ago! Definitely an AI Bot share![]()
The pic came with the frame.