Wheel-O-Forum Game (3)

How about an "L"?


Amazingly, there are no "L"s. Play passes back to Mike...
From the Bizarro version of "Year of the Cat"....

"Why she looks at you so coolly.... And her eyes shine...... like the moon in the sea..... She comes in incense and Spatole...... So you take her, to find what's waiting inside" (A can of spotted dick, perhaps???)

As Tweetie Bird might say,

I'll twy an "N" pwease.

Or Porky Pig...

"Aba da ba da ba da....a....a.....an n..n..n..n..."N" please!

How about Elmer Fudd....

"Be wery qwiet....I need an "N" pwease." Hmm....sounds too much like Tweety Bird.


"Thufferin Thuckatash.....gimme an "N" "

Foghorn Leghorn (or Yosemite Sam)....

"Gimee, I say, Gimme an "N" young'n and make it snappy!"

I'll solve what I can, and perhaps Mike can put on the finishing touches. the 3rd word has me stumped.

Here is what I have so far (perhaps it will make more sense than your last one) :D

Eriza Verde Skumy With OHSC
Ha.. I wondered if it was Eriza Verde but the rest had me stumped...

Have a feeling that last word is OHSX so i'll have an X


Sorry, there are no "X"s. Play passes back to Bennett...

You guys are gonna kick yourselves when you finally get this one. And Game 4 is up for people to join...