What I’ve learned from the CE


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May 28, 2017
1) it’s just a brilliant guitar. It plays second fiddle to none, regardless of level of prestige
2) the pattern thin neck, is really fast and easy to play. Still, it’s my least favorite of the PRS necks that I’ve played (pat thin, pat, pat regular, pat vintage). This isn’t a criticism of the neck, it just feel foreign in my hands
3) this is the most surprising bit. I absolutely LOVE the 85/15s! They have become my favorite of the PRS pickups that I have. The aspect that sealed for me, is the single coil sound. To my ears, the SC mode just sounds fecking brilliant!
I really wasn’t expecting that. I was expecting high quality, but just not my thing. Man I was completely WRONG!
I have 3 CE models that I love but haven't tried the new ones yet.

I scored some 8515s a while back and they are fabulous for sure. They wound up in my Mccarty. I haven't played my Mccarty for a while, needs new nut and I just don't have the time to do it.
I would certainly like to demo one for a while, to see how it worked for me. I'm historically not one for maple necks on a PRS, but open to being proven wrong!