Too Much Information?

Too Much Information?

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Too Many Notes
Apr 26, 2012
Here's my concern: I like to start discussions of PRS guitars and amps, and participate in them once they get going. Same with pedals, studio gear, computers, etc.

I've already got two threads on the DG30 that's only sat in my studio for a week or so, have had several on the HXDA, and countless ones on the guitars that have come through my studio. Then there's all the stuff I post about my rockin' son. I'm beginning to think that I am posting way too much!

The PRS Forum isn't my personal blog. I once had one, but abandoned it. Yet I can't seem to STFU.

That, of course, includes this thread! ;)

So let's take a vote. About The Same, More, or STFU are the options.
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You are probably one of the most informative people I've come across on this forum, and I always enjoy learning more about gear....even though a lot of it goes straight over my head. :laugh: I say MORE INFO!!!!
I say post to your hearts content! I have never met you in person, and living wayyyyy up in Canada, I probably never will. That said, I really enjoy reading your posts. Your comments on recording are incredibly informative and useful, especially for someone like me, who is just learning about that aspect. You also have a very descriptive way of depicting the tonality of your instruments which, especially for a forum user interested in possibly trying/purchasing and instrument, is extremely helpful.
Although I often feel unqualified to offer much in many of your threads, I do love reading them. I also enjoyed jamming to the tracks you posted. Post more! Post away! Just don't post your credit card #'s (you can PM those to me :laugh: ).
I agree with everyone above… your posts have helped me significantly and I'm sure they will continue to help. And the funny ones really crack me up! Onward and upwards!

I have one of those colds where you're not well enough to do much of anything, but not sick enough to stay in bed.

No wonder I started this thread. I also voted STFU. But I just can't! ;)
I voted 'More' because I am definitely a fan of yours, so I say post away! FWIW, I've had similar questions of my own about the posts I do in the 'What's Goldtop Listening To' thread/topic/whatever. I came to the conclusion that this is a fun, open forum that offers something for everybody and hopefully there are some who enjoy the videos I post as well as my tales and comments that go with them. It's all in good fun.

Goldtop Lloyd

P.S. - I love your pieces of art. I save them all, and I'm waiting for the day you do a book. Sign me up for a copy!
Post away! Its all good! A thread doesn't become legit until you post on it!
Haha! You guys are the best!

Now I can start that thread about NOS tubes without feeling horribly guilty.
Keep those threads coming, they are a great way to voice your passion for guitar playing. I for one enjoy them a lot. ENJOY!!!
Lay it all out there Les. If somebody doesn't like it they can stop reading it, pretty simple.