The PRS guitar, Forum Video Jam!!! Who will play??


Apr 27, 2012
Hey all....we've just completed a thread that established the following project for interested forum members. It was a GREAT thread....if you read it, you'll laugh, you'll'll barf. You'll form temporary alliances, only to change sides and join the Zombie forces. Oh wait..that was another thread. :confused:

OK...this is gonna be a fun project for those forum members who lack extreme self-consciousness, have a sense of humor, enjoy a group project...and have a neurotic curiosity about viewing a train wreck as you pass it by. :o's what we're gonna do. We are gonna vote on a song that represents a classic rock piece...something familiar, something easy to play either lead or rhythm parts to....something that is both immediately recognizable and fun to play.

Once we choose a tune...we're all gonna video ourselves playing it.

Then, I'm gonna collect all the videos that everyone made.....and edit it into a smooth, single version of the song...with each of us getting about 15-to-20 seconds of video-time until it cuts to the next person. As far as privacy....we can make our creation a private or password protected YouTube video if anyone is concerned or embarrassed about normal people seeing what we're attempting to do.

The prior thread established that it can be done. It also established me as the guy responsible for all editing of the final versions sent in. :o:rofl:

So...the next step is finding out who is willing to play. Once we have critical mass, we will then choose the tune. Don't worry about the tune is the time to sign up if you want to participate. I figure we need at least 15 to 20 people MINIMUM to make it really cool. 20 people, at 20 seconds a person would allow us to compile a 4 minute song. There are a lot of logistics to work out...but before we do, we need to find out if it is really going to happen.


Post below if you would like to be part of this project. I will leave this up until we have agreed that a sufficient number of people have joined...or until it is clear that there is insufficient interest.
If you are gonna take the time to learn how to do something new, I guess I can't be a wuss either! I'm In! and I hate classic rock. (except Zep and Sabbath of course)

Three down and twelve to go, who else!?
If it is simple:
Black Sabbath Children of the grave
Joe Walsh Rocky mountain way
Cream Sunshine of your love
White Stripes Seven nation army

I could do parts of those :D
I will do it! Whatever the tune is, I'll play it to the best of my abilities.

A couple immediate thoughts on this:

  • Will we be playing along and mixed with the original song OR
  • Will we be playing along to a generic backing track OR
  • Will we be playing solo?
  • And if we're playing solo, will we playing along with a click track so we're all the same tempo?

I don't have super awesome video editing software, just Windows Live Moviemaker. Also I will likely do this at work on my lunch break one day, where I have work cameras and a line 6 pocket pod, Audacity for recording audio.
To answer some questions...first...I have never done video editing in my life. I learned what DAW was in the past year, and haven't used it. I can navigate youtube. This will be a new experience for me.

Second...YES...we will all agree on a VERY EASY tune so that we can all participate without feeling too self conscious,, disabled, retarded, asbergers, dumbass, embarrassed....pick your's OK...we are all in this together.

Three...YOu can play anything you like...but I think we all need to play most if not all of the designated tune so that the parts can be blended together as smoothly as possible. And, with all due respect to verse 1 vs. verse 2 of Strawberry Fields, we have to try to keep it the same BPM/tempo.

More to follow...gotta eat dinner or my wife is going to......again,, pick your descriptor.
If we wind up without a back track then i'll make a click track for people to play along to.

Screw that! let me call in a couple of favors............ Okay guy,s I got Bill Ward to give us his original drum tracks. We can convert this and use it as a basis, everybody will just have to download the same file. There are tons of these on youtube, maybe not the greatest quality, but this might be the way to go at first to make things easy.

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How/ what are you guys going to film with? I don't have a video camera....
Digital cameras with video and smart phones with video will all work fine guys.

Every picture and every video I've ever posted on any forum was taken with a 2003 Kodak digital camera that I still use daily.
This is GREAT. I must admit...I had mixed feelings.....Great enthusiasm and excitment for creating an internet tune we all participate in.

Extreme dread and foreboding with regard to my having to learn what is necessary to collate the videos and put them together. this point, we have around 13 participants. I think the critical number for the best result would be somewhere between 20 and 25 people and a song that runs around 4.5 minutes. Hey....if we did "A day in the Life" I could take responsibility for the last 30 seconds....EASY!

Seriously....I will close the thread sometime after we have at least 20 firm participants and all agree we have reached critical mass. Then, the next step will be all of us agreeing to which tune we will play along to. I must say....classic rock was my choice due to my familiarity with the genre, and my belief that even a song we are not too familiar with would not be too difficult to learn. This should be fun. The inspration for this thread actually came from Ruger, who played "Aqualung" in the Zombie thread. Believe it or not....after 40 years....I had NEVER bothered to learn the entire song. So, with the exception of the Martin Barre solo, which I can only approximate pretty lamely....I figured it out and then had my epiphony....wouldn't it be cool if a large group of us did a similar thing, in which we cut from one to the next every few seconds?

And then, a la Ralph Kramden......because I have A BIIIIIG MOUTH......I got manipulated, coerced, intimidated a result.... pressed into service as the point man.

And here we are today...on the verge of forming the "PRS Forum Video Schleppers Band". Ok....I am sure someone will come up for a better name for our burgeouning group. Maybe that's another thread. An idea for all you card holders waiting to participate....a thread called "Name the PRS Video Band". And no...."The Schmucks" are NOT allowed as an entry.