The 1st day of the rest of my life.


Where is that speedo pic
Nov 4, 2012
washington iowa
I have been in this deep funk for about 3 years now. My wife and I have struggled to get my stepson graduated and remain drug free which has ben so stressful. It has been a painful thing for both of us. Even though he managed to graduate, we still have the drug thing to deal with every day. That alone has taken a few years off of my life.

The other part of the equation is my job. I work for a company owned by a husband/wife team. I am paid salary for an x amount of hours per week which I always exceed and end up working about 56 hours per week as a yearly average. The problem is two fold, my h/boss is pushy, belligerent, inappropriate and arrogant while my w/boss is thoughtful, mild mannered and kind. She is the hardest working person I know. SHE runs the company and has guided us through very tough times while being on the school board and devoting much of her time to her church. Being loyal to her has kept me at this job for 9 years.

Im always missing out on things my son does because im always at work and I don't have the energy to do anything when I do get home. I haven't had time to practice music at home for the last two months and has become typical protocol. My band has suffered because of where I am, my playing is empty and bland. I have even considered quitting my band.

I have been on c-pap therapy for 4 years with zero results, sleep studies and nap studies prove to Drs that Im exhausted ALL the time. Im on Temazepam to make me sleep and Lexapro to keep anxiety/depression at bay. This is NOT me.

WELL, Tuesday was THE turning point. My h/boss got mad and started in on me about something my w/boss had me doing. H/boss started yelling and threatened me with my job. Although Im not proud of this, my h/boss was hit with an explosion of anger. Once I got started I couldn't stop and resulted in me leaving work for an hour to cool off.

I made some calls while I was home and set up an interview with a company that had a position open. I will be starting this new job in a couple of weeks and I feel like a million tons has been lifted off of me. Should of made the move long ago.

Anyway. 45 hours a week, weekends off, more time with my son, regular practice schedule, better benefits, family oriented company. I am taking control. Im giving my two week notice tomorrow. I cant wait!!!!!!!!
Good luck with the change. It sounds like it may be thing to get you moving again. Best wishes.
Good Luck with the change. Things get stale, and we need to move on. Loyalty from employment disappeared with the singing of the FLSA.
Congrats! It's difficult to make a change like that. Best of luck with everything!
Sounds like you're feeling better already. Hope it works out and alleviates some of that stress in your life. :biggrin:
Sounds like the wife/boss will understand. Kudos to you for making time for your family and working hard on family life too. This country has a lot of problems that stem from weak families IMO.
Dear Gush,

Your story hits home with me. I wrote a book that may help you. Go to and download my book for free. My book is all about the courage needed to do what you did and more importantly how to succeed at your new job.

Hopefully now you will have time to spend playing your PRS!

Congrats on your courage and good luck,
Kukumba (Bob)
The job made you miserable, your time with your child will help with your happiness. Great job on moving on.
Work to live, never live to work.
Glad you have got out a bad situation, you are there to get paid not get abuse. well done!
Enjoy the new job and the extra freedom