Stacking cases on top of each other


New Member
May 29, 2014
I am in the process of some renovation and have a couple of custom 24s

Woukd stacking these on top of each other in their cases with an aucostic on top cause damage to the guitar at the bottom

I have read some comments that guitars should not be stored horizontaly. The custom 24 cases seem very sturdy
I wouldn't lay them wide side down and stack them. You could stand them with the handle up and put them side by side and it would be ok. And yes, the acoustic could be on top of that configuration.
I wouldn't lay them wide side down and stack them. You could stand them with the handle up and put them side by side and it would be ok. And yes, the acoustic could be on top of that configuration.

But it's harder to stack them on their edges because of the handles and latches.
I sold a guitar to a guy recently (collector) that had an office conference room stacked with cases. The acoustics were standing upright side by side, but electrics were in multiple stacks probably 8 high or so, flat side down.
I prefer standing them up on end, body end down, of course, in a closet.
Similar to the PRS video, but side by side vertically.

(OK, and on top of milk crates, with a sheet of plywood so they go in easier, in case there's any water issues in my basement. But that's just me...)
i had a recent move and asked the factory how many empty cases i could stack, flat side down. they said 4 or 5 would not be a problem.

if you look at the cases, the bound corner keeps the main bodies of the cases from touching so there would be no pressure imparted to the body of the guitar were it to be inside the case.

imho, stack with impunity