Rotary switch: in-between positions sounding out of phase after changing to Suhr pickups


New Member
Dec 29, 2021

I just had a tech change from 59/09 pickups to Suhr DSV pickups. All in-between pickups now sound out of phase.

Anyone know how to wire a rotary switch with other than PRS pickups?

I now have the black wire from the Suhr pickups on "B" on the rotary, red/white on the "R", and green on "W". Bare wire is going to the volume pot. I guess the letters stand for black, red and white.

I have read that I need to turn the magnet around on one of the pickups to get noise cancelling in the in-between positions, so I have the bridge pickup turned the other way around.

Any ideas?

Wiring diagram for reference:
I believe one of the pickups needs to have a magnet flipped to be compatible with rotary switch.

I always have to ask which one because I keep forgetting.
I thought it was enough to turn one pickup the other way around to achieve the same result. Since these are double screw pickups (Suhr DSV) it shouldn't make any difference in sound :)
Turning the pickup around just changes where the pole magnets see the strings , you ether need to flip the Mag or swap the wires usually on the neck pickup, to test just unsolder and use clip leads , had to do this when I put some Suhr Aldrich pickups in a P24 too some trial and error.
Thanks for chiming in. I went with a three way switch instead, as I'm not a big fan of split humbuckers anyway.