Random. No more or less

I’ve talked about this with folks before, but as it just occurred I thought I’d share here. I was noodling away in the predawn darkness and silence of my house (as I do most mornings), working through some changes on a new tune, and was having one of those moments where it seemed no note was the note I wanted. It always amuses me (after the frustration wears off), because “technically” this isn‘t possible- save the absence of a tone. I know, I know…not looking for a theory lesson, I’m talking about the feeling that no note is the right note. Like writer’s block.

Usually, the best approach for me is to walk away from that section and come back to it later but as I’m impatient, I often run through a variety of things to try to break down that wall. Some of the more successful ones are things like trying the same notes on a different string. Try a different voicing of a chord. Often I realize the song simply didn’t want a change there. How do you fight composition roadblocks?

Sorry, early morning ramblings of a bad songwriter. ;)
I just realized that I don't have a picture of my Carvin 5 string bass or my banjo anywhere that I can post publicly. I guess I"ll need to shoot some new photos soon.
I used to go to band practice no matter whether one player couldn't show up or not.
Not anymore... Hmmm...
Drummer is out this week so we canned practice as I couldn't come up with a sub.
Am I losing it?
That would be me. Come hell or high water I don’t care what’s going on I am going. During summer hiatus during August I would go by myself and have such a good time. Being able to choose what you want to play and and at the ear shattering volume that I like. Ear protection of course. I will still go. I have to. The only thing that will stop me in my tracks is a migraine. But for some reason the drummer had business in the US for the last month and yes I had a replacement but had a lot of other stuff going on. I let rehearsal slide for a month. COVID shut down our space too. It didn’t really bother me as much as I thought it would!
I’ve talked about this with folks before, but as it just occurred I thought I’d share here. I was noodling away in the predawn darkness and silence of my house (as I do most mornings), working through some changes on a new tune, and was having one of those moments where it seemed no note was the note I wanted. It always amuses me (after the frustration wears off), because “technically” this isn‘t possible- save the absence of a tone. I know, I know…not looking for a theory lesson, I’m talking about the feeling that no note is the right note. Like writer’s block.

Usually, the best approach for me is to walk away from that section and come back to it later but as I’m impatient, I often run through a variety of things to try to break down that wall. Some of the more successful ones are things like trying the same notes on a different string. Try a different voicing of a chord. Often I realize the song simply didn’t want a change there. How do you fight composition roadblocks?

Sorry, early morning ramblings of a bad songwriter. ;)
What about a grace note. Something you hear for a split second.
Did you hear that Queen Elizabeth has COVID. Don’t know what variation it is.
I called him out as to be a vicious bully. And he can starve to death. I am not playing his game. Misogyny comes to mind. I don’t really give a flying eff!
There’s also a name for a man that picks on a woman, but I’m not allowed to say that one here either. :mad::mad::mad:
I called him out as to be a vicious bully. And he can starve to death. I am not playing his game. Misogyny comes to mind. I don’t really give a flying eff!
Just play here with us, unless it is one of us, then just you tell me who and I’ll send Les round.
So does anyone know what this is?
I was gonna say a Messerschmitt!
John Force! Boy did I used to be into some drag racing.
I loved drag racing and still do. I am old school at heart. John encouraged both his daughters to get into racing. I applaud him for that.

I really want and need to go to some races. Who knows, maybe this summer. Fingers crossed. Nothing like bits of rubber on your face. I love burn outs. The bigger the better.

PS Hope I am not too much of a Tom boy for you ppl? There are a few men on my other forum who dislike me with a passion because I am stepping into MEN’S TERRITORY! Not there any longer! This one reason why I am not gracing the likes of that forum anymore! Old school rocks when it’s not just an old school boy’s club. What’s the harm in including us?