PRS Silver Sky - Maple Fretboard - Finish if Any?


Not so new member
Jun 6, 2014
Southern California
I have a PRS Silver Sky with a maple neck and maple fretboard that I purchased about 1.5 years ago. Recently, I have started to notice some wear and tear on the fretboard in places where I must put my fingers the most. I have a number of guitars, so I would not say that this guitar gets an extraordinary amount of playing time - maybe an average of about 3 hours a week.To my eyes, it looks like there is no finsh of any type on the fretboard. Do any of you know if there is a finish on the fretboard? There is no mention of any finish on the PRS web site, but would like to confirm.

Thanks for any help you can provide.
PS - Love the guitar!
The neck were described as satin which typically describes a thin non glossy nitro. I've seen mention by other silver sky owners that it is very thin and can wear through fairly quickly. Probably varies person to person based on finger oils. The upside is people pay lots for a fake relic version on Fenders whereas yours is genuine. I think it's just the way with maple necks and nitro. Poly lasts forever. I'd consider it mojo.

Another thread...
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The neck were described as satin which typically describes a thin non glossy nitro. I've seen mention by other silver sky owners that it is very thin and can wear through fairly quickly. Probably varies person to person based on finger oils. The upside is people pay lots for a fake relic version on Fenders whereas yours is genuine. I think it's just the way with maple necks and nitro. Poly lasts forever. I'd consider it mojo.

Another thread...
Thanks for your input. Just read through the other thread. I guess I am not going to worry about it. My very old Tele shows this same kind of wear and tear and it has never effected the tone and playability of the guitar. The difference was that it took about 3 years + before I started to see signs of wear and tear, so I thought I would at least ask others what they think.
The upside is people pay lots for a fake relic version on Fenders whereas yours is genuine. I think it's just the way with maple necks and nitro. Poly lasts forever. I'd consider it mojo.

I was thinking the same thing… probably increases the value 50% in today’s Market; double if the body has a spot worn the the wood.