PRS Seven String


New Member
Jul 14, 2019
I have been looking to add a seven string to my arsenal for a while, and came across the PRS SE Custom 24 seven string. I was curious if anyone had any experience with it, played it etc.

GC has a few used so I could always order it and try it out, but I did want to ask and see what the forum thought prior to doing that.

Good guitars, more versatile than you might expect. I'd suggest looking at the SVNs, if that's an option, if only because you get Mark Holcomb's signature pickup set already in them. That's an upgrade I made to my CU24-7 (before the SVN came out), along w/a US volume pot. Both models were in great shape out of the box - I didn't 'need' to do anything to them, just decided to swap the pups because I liked them in the Holcomb six string.