PRS S2 Mira Mod


New Member
Apr 27, 2020
I have always kept away from PRS guitars as they in my opinion played flawlessly but always sounded
too hard and bright with pickups that tended to be too high output. I did play a soap bar once along time ago but still not been tempted. But recently I took the plunge and purchased a 2017 S2 Mira with 85/15 humbuckers on it. And yes after a month or so I thought this wasn't for me and would have to go for all the above reasons.
Then I thought lets see if I could improve it and the first thing was a complete set up from scratch and yes it played as it should, but still sounded terrible. Then I went against PRS recommendation of string size 9/48 and put my usual 10/46 which I use on all my Fenders. This was a revelation the sound had more power but still it was too hard and bright. So the pickups had to go and I set about finding a good set of Humbuckers. I went with a pair of DiMarzio 36th Anniversary PAF made with the original Gibson 50's Humbuckers in mind.
This has transformed the guitar it now sounds full and punchy and has all the scale a good guitar should and I am convinced it is because of the slightly lower output. While I know PRS likes the 85/15 but I just can't see it perhaps they are good for headbangers but for my sort of playing they are awful.
Glad you found a way to make it work for you. Tone is tone. Some things work for some people, while other things work for others. I'm not a fan of the HFS pup, but others love it.

Enjoy the guitar.
One of my guitars has a set of Larry's PAFs from the late 70s in it
and another one has the same thing in the bridge position with
a DiMarzio Humbucker from Hell in the neck position.
Both guitars sound pretty good.
I like Larry's pickups.
Glad I wasn't the only one changing out the PRS pups as the are fine guitars and play beautifully.
I have not played my Fenders since my PRS upgrade. Obviously amp selection is critical.