PRS Headstock Logo

Or have it show a different logo based on the viewers angle. Bob: that was an interesting Gibson. Chuck: Gibson? You mean Fender. Bob: No I mean Gibson Chuck: Want to fight about it?
THAT would be an awesome option. Then I really could have it be a PRS logo 20 % of the time.

Or whatever the appropriate fraction turns out to be.

Somehow, however I don't see that happening.
I've decided that since it's going to be basically a 'me' guitar that just looks suspiciously reminiscent of the PRS that it used to be by the time I'm done, the headstock will get a black overlay, upon which I will write "Partly Real Stuff'

Okay. It was funny inside my head. But from ten feet away, I think that wll look close enough. And up close it would be hugely obvious. That's what I wanted in the first place. And this way I get to flex my smart ass muscles, too.