Pickup Replacement Questions


New Member
May 26, 2024
So I have a 2006 Singlecut Trem 10 top with the original #6 pickups.

I have often thought of changing these over the years. I do like vintage tones, so certainly a lower output might be a good choice. I had thought about replacing them with 57/08s at one time.

I am also intrigued with what the PRS has been doing with the TCI pickups. Wondering if there are any that would fit in my 2006 Singlecut.
They would all fit but I would first determine what you’re trying to get out of a pickup change. 57/08’s = heaven think that classic Singlecut tone. 59/09’s well think mordern sounding ( and yes even though I said it, I hate the descriptor). Some here like the combo of 57/08 neck/ 59/09 bridge though I have not tried this. Lots of other manufacturers also. It’s a rabbit hole.
If you want to stick with "the brand": 57/08s fit the bill well.

After some experimenting I settled on wolfetones for those kind of tones. A set Marshallheads or marshallheads mk2 are fantastic for those tones you are after. Major diff with PRS: alnico 5 in wolfetone and non potted. Open, warm, clear tones.
After some experimenting I settled on wolfetones for those kind of tones. A set Marshallheads or marshallheads mk2 are fantastic for those tones you are after. Major diff with PRS: alnico 5 in wolfetone and non potted. Open, warm, clear tones.
Wolfe also gives you the option of putting in different magnets; my Marshallhead bridge has an A2. Just ask, there's no upcharge.
They would all fit but I would first determine what you’re trying to get out of a pickup change. 57/08’s = heaven think that classic Singlecut tone. 59/09’s well think mordern sounding ( and yes even though I said it, I hate the descriptor). Some here like the combo of 57/08 neck/ 59/09 bridge though I have not tried this. Lots of other manufacturers also. It’s a rabbit hole.

The combo is solid! Done it multiple times.


So I have the new pickups installed as well as new ivory pickup rings and black lampshade knobs

Holy Snikes! what difference. Even with heavy fuzz on the neck pickup there is still clarity! Well worth it!

Before and after:

Good job! Night and day difference for sure! The LT neck is fantastic