Pattern Thin vs 60’s slim necks


New Member
Aug 6, 2022
I am a Gibson guy who just bought his first PRS. Before I bought it though, I was having trouble finding much info on how the PRS necks compared to the Gibson necks. So if any other Gibson players find their way here to the forum looking for that comparison, here is what I found.

I am most comfortable on the Gibson 60’s slim profile necks. I was able to play a PRS pattern regular in the store and it was nice. It didn’t feel big or chunky. But I didn’t have a Gibson right there to compare. The guitar I bought has a Pattern Thin profile. It is even more comfortable to me. And today I sat down with my LP and my PRS to compare. With a caliper, they are almost identical depths at the 1st and 12th frets. Overall the PRS is just a tad thinner. The Gibson has a slightly wider nut, but not by much at all.

So if you are comfortable with a slim 60’s neck, the Pattern Thin is probably the way to go. But if the right deal comes along for a Pattern Regular, that will also probably work just fine.

I hope someone finds this helpful!