One has to go..S2 Mira or S2 594!!


New Member
May 5, 2016
With the recent purchase of my Vela one has to go now...either the 594 or the Mira ....I wish I could keep both but I'm on a budget....what are everyone's thoughts?? Thx
Its the thinline...I was just playing it its thinking I might just sell my last non PRS guutar a late 90s USA HSS strat....the strat was with me in school so I have a thing for it but I literally NEVER play it anymore so maybe its time to put it into a good home...thoughts??
Yeah I just took out the Mira as well...was my first PRS in 14' that got me into I have 6 PRS 5 of them USA made and one SE for beating the crap out of in the bars here in NY....with my aging fingers the shorter scale is easier to get around and thats the main reason I don't play the strat much....maybe thats the ticket...
Mira, but both the 594 thinline and Mira are on my wish list.. the Mira is further down.
you'll miss that Mira.................
i have one and i really dig it. 5 lb 4 oz, love the neck and tone, black with tortise guard.
its a cool little hotrod.

let the strat take flight