Where is that speedo pic

Sorry for the bad pics. The black burst is the CE22 with dragon I pickups and has rotary switching. The emerald is the CE24 and it has push/pulls on both vol and tone pots to tap pickups by themselves. The ce 24 has HFS/VB pickups. Not in love with the HFS, maybe M pickup? I do like the VB in the neck so it will stay.
I AM in love with the drag I pickups, I might even like them better than my 5909s. Maybe.
I'm having trouble getting these trems to stay in tune, both were set against the body when I got them so I have set them up to float again. Put new strings on both upon arrival. The 24 stays in tune better than the 22 but both need help. Any tips or suggestions would be great as we have our next gig 1st sat 2014 and would like to use these machines on that gig.
On a sad note, our band may be coming to an end. We have been a group for 12 years and I think I need something fresh. The thought of starting over feels heavy and exciting at the same time. I play with a great bunch of guys but I feel we are losing our edge. We will see what happens.
Hope all forum brothers and sisters had a safe and happy Christmas.