Incoming NGD (x2)

Mr Mezzio,

You are one lucky man x 2 ! The C24 looks unreal in purple (not sure what PRS call it?). The 408 wins hands down for me and I'm not usually a fan of quilt Maple ? The fingerboard is sick, very unique.

Big Congrats.
You guys are killing it. Violet Smokeburst is sensational!!! And the 408 SH is just so badass, it's ridiculous. Congratulations.

I recommend the Mesa Boogie Mark V!

<<<<<<<< VioerDoc, that's also a nice pair (arrows pointing to your avatar).......are they yours ?
Hell of a pair, yeah we should definitely do a Madison gearfest. Saturdays are my most open day.
I cannot find one cotton-picking thing that I would EVER change on that 408. Now I begin to understand why the man played one at the 30th, and he's the one who espoused the Paul's! So confused....
Got an epic delivery today :) I'll let the crummy iPhone pictures do the talking.

30th CU24

SH 408

The only thing I'm kinda disappointed about is the action on the 408, it's WAY too high. Guess I gotta do a set up :( I'd rant and rave about the tone, but I'm still looking for a new amp, I don't think an 8" speaker would do justice, lol. I did play around with a Mesa Mark V yesterday (pretty good price too), but I just wasn't feeling it, guess I just prefer that Orange tone. Hopefully I can find a Rockerverb locally, I'd really hate to order one without playing it first, but I might just have to do that.
Yeah it is, I'm having a hard time putting it down, lol. It sounds amazing, even with an 8" speaker, lol. Maybe I'll just order a 1x12 for my Micro Terror until I can find a local shop that carries more than Crush amps.

Please be patient with me, I decided to organize my mess of a Photobucket account, I'll get the pictures back up ASAP
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