I need a hollowbody...what should I get?

Hello everyone, I'm new here. About a year ago I bought a new Hollow Body II and it is by far the best guitar I have ever owned in terms of versatility (and I own a lot!). The piezo really allows you to explore effect driven sounds, while the standard pick-ups allow you to exploit the characteristics of the guitar itself. Definitely get one!
Simple. A JA-15.

I have never even played one, but agree with Les. I am as big a PRS fan as anyone (well, maybe not Les :p ) but the PRS hollow bodies have never done anything for me tonally. I have a feeling I would love the AJA-15 however. He is a monster player, and I do not think he would put his name on anything that was not killer......... Wait a minute, I did not dig the Gibson AJ model at all, so...I dont know what to tell you. :iamconfused:
I do not want a ZM period. I never have found a SE that feels right to me.

That's what I used to think. Then, after a visit to Colorado, where I played a few SEs, I changed my mind. These guitars are the bargain of the guitar world. They play and sound good. Plus, I like the short scale length of the ZM. I'd like a fatter neck, but not a deal breaker.