HNAD...for me and PRS

Smokin', sir, flamin' and smokin', classic and ultra-modern all at the same time. Perfect all around, very very happy for you! Congrats, you're gonna love it long time!
Damn, I thought I had a lot of windows in my music room. Nice natural light in there, my friend. Oh, and KILLER guitar.
Absolutely stunning! That flame is so tight it has a reptilian skin vibe thing going on. And black chrome too...smokin!
So beautiful!
Super Congratulations to you.
Holy smokes...
Big time congrats on that, boss man! Might be the coolest top I’ve seen of the 35’s.
Congrats - What a beautiful beast - a truly stunning instrument!!!
The t-shirt?
The pint glass?

Yeah...the guitar isn’t too shabby either.........

Yeah, lol. I see the T-Shirt and think "that is baddass". Then I see the pint glass and think "that is awesome". I have a thing that I love anything with dragons. Then I see your 35th Private Stock and my dragon love intensifies greatly :D