Finally...NMcSCD....(warning, blue content)

Yeowza ............................ I would be happy to rock that biatch :rock:
I'm sure she'd be up for that Markie....but wouldn't your numerous other "ladies" be a little jealous? :dontknow:
The pick-ups are further evidence of PRS's (and their dealers, in this case guitar center) total commitment to customer service/satisfaction. They are "on loan" from another PS build I have in the works. These and the 85/15's are now available for order with PS builds (I've seen at least one other guitar on here with them). I have no info on which, if any, non-PS models they will be available for. I have heard...third hand rumor...that the 58/15's will be the "standard" PU for the PS McSC next year. I'll find a "worthy victim" for the transplant and try to report back.

Beautiful guitar! I love that model, too. Congrats.

I'm really curious about the pups. I have them ordered (sound unheard) on a P22 PS that was speced at the WL a few weeks ago. I ordered with brushed gold covers, and until that time, I didn't know they were available with covers. Looking forward to a tone report. MRossi played some that day, and I think he was impressed.
what a fantastic sounding/playing instrument. Picture the "perfect in every way" LP in your head...and it's even way better than that..

Yeah, man! So glad you feel that way!

I'm having a really hard time imagining playing anything else! I know that at some point I'll need a guitar with a tremolo, and I'll probably spec one soon, but for my own style (when not playing for clients) this is pretty much the alpha and omega of my guitar playing world.
I'm having a really hard time imagining playing anything else!

Boy you said it Les. I don't remember if you mentioned this specifically in your many posts on the HOTG...but the fret work on these is just so incredibly comfortable. Just effortless for bends/vibrato. I'd change every guitar I own to this fret wire tomorrow if I could.
Boy you said it Les. I don't remember if you mentioned this specifically in your many posts on the HOTG...but the fret work on these is just so incredibly comfortable. Just effortless for bends/vibrato. I'd change every guitar I own to this fret wire tomorrow if I could.

I'm not sure I mentioned it specifically, but in one post I did compare playing it to skating, because it's so smooth and effortless. I'd agree that the frets are a big reason. I also find that the Madagascar rosewood feels really slick. Maybe it's just the way it's sanded and smoothed at the PS shop, but it feels as slick as ebony under my fingers. Have you noticed that as well?
I also find that the Madagascar rosewood feels really slick. Maybe it's just the way it's sanded and smoothed at the PS shop, but it feels as slick as ebony under my fingers. Have you noticed that as well?

Funny you mention that Les...the first thing I noticed when I opened the case was how shiny and smooth/polished the fretboard looked. My heart actually sank a bit because it reminded me of a Rickenbacker laquered rosewood fretboard. I find those a bit sticky and more difficult to bend on, definitely not something I wanted on a short scale "epic solo weapon of destruction". All concern happily dissapeared with the first bend attempt. I don't know how the finish is specifically different than their other rosewood boards, I don't think it's just the RW species (Madagascar in this case). If I had to guess they use the same treatment as the PTC's famous/mysterious "Rosewood Treatment of Extreme Awesomeness" feels (and smells) very similar to a couple of rosewood necks I've had treated by PTC. I'll speculate that it involves some type of additional sanding/polishing and "secret sauce" (a natural oil of some kind).
I don't know how the finish is specifically different than their other rosewood boards, I don't think it's just the RW species (Madagascar in this case). If I had to guess they use the same treatment as the PTC's famous/mysterious "Rosewood Treatment of Extreme Awesomeness" feels (and smells) very similar to a couple of rosewood necks I've had treated by PTC. I'll speculate that it involves some type of additional sanding/polishing and "secret sauce" (a natural oil of some kind).

They do a really nice job with the fingerboards, whichever it is. Best playing guitar ever for me.