
I guess a teaser off their web site might be in order. I'll do better when it's in my hot little hands, which down here in South Carolina, it is HOT! Plus I've been planning a family shot which I may do before the grass gets too tall. Heh...

Yeah man.
Great choice.
Yeah, I don't know. That Ce is a Sweetwater exclusive in the satin black.

Get both, sell something else.

Edit : oh, nevermind.
Yeah, I don't know. That Ce is a Sweetwater exclusive in the satin black.

Get both, sell something else.

Edit : oh, nevermind.
Well, see, that's the trouble. As much trouble as I had deciding which to grab, it would be ten-fold trying to decide which to sell. Just can't bring myself to let go. I must be a hoarder by nature... :eek:
I picked up a McKorina Soapy Brazzy from Dave's last month, and it is awesome! Good choice!