Custom 24 thin neck option?


New Member
Apr 11, 2013
Hi everyone, I have finally made the leap and decided to spring for a PRS. I've been playing for 15 years, and recently realized that I've never spent more than $750 on a guitar, even though I've spent upwards of $10000 on amps. :iamconfused:
So, PRS here I come! I've narrowed it down to the Custom 24. I went out and played a few yesterday and I am in love. I'm going to order it online, as I just can't justify paying that much for a guitar that isn't BRAND new in the box. My problem is, nobody at the store could tell me if the Custom 24s I was playing were the thin neck option or not... I played a 513 with the rosewood neck, and it felt much thicker than the 2 Custom 24s I played, so I'm thinking that they were the thin option. Does anyone have the specs of the actual size difference between the regular and the thin?
I'm also quite confused about which color is which. The guys helping me kept going back and forth, "this one is the amber black... NO, wait... THIS one is.. No wait, that's the smoked orange... wait..."
Are there any galleries that showcase each color on an actual guitar so I can be sure of what I'm ordering, haha? Thanks very much for any help! I can't wait for my guitar!
I think the neck specs are in the Support section of the PRS site.

For the color options, click around all the different models on the site, along with the colors for each model. You'll eventually find an example of almost every color. If you are wondering about a specific color, ask this group about it. I'm sure some one will have an example (Markie?).
You can get the measurements here:

Unless your going to take something like a caliper with you, measuring the difference in thickness or even 1/32 of an inch in nut width would be hard to do. All this is assuming the hang tags are missing because that's the best way:)
Thanks for your help guys! I was trying to find the color "amber black" and "black gold wrap" (that's how it's listed on the website, so I'm not sure if those are the actual names of colors or not..) and on the PRS site but they don't seem to be available as options for the custom 24. Also, the site I'm planning on buying it from ( has the same picture for amber black as it does for a few other colors (like black gold, and the picture could be either IMO), so I'm a bit skeptical to trust what they say it looks like. As far as the neck specs go, I was planning on comparing them to a guitar I have, as unfortunately no hang tags on any guitar whatsoever in the store, doh.

Also: I know I could just search the boards for pictures of the colors, and I did, but the problem is most people don't list the actual name of the color, because, well it's not really necessary in any other situation than if you want to order one!

Edit: ... Ok now I feel like an idiot. Did some more stumbling around the forum and discovered the authorized dealers section, and have found pictures of all the colors I was interested in... Sorry to have wasted a post! I'm thinking I've settled on Black Gold Wrap -!!
Can't wait!
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