Custom 24 SE Floyd Issue


New Member
Dec 9, 2014
I got a new Custom 24 SE Floyd (in the limited Grey Black Flame top) and I'm really happy with the guitar, apart from one thing.

The Floyd holds the tuning perfectly, unless I pull back, and then all the strings are sharp. Push down, and they are perfectly in tune again.

The strings are well stretched, and the tuning holds, unless I pull up.

I did initially drop the tuning down a semitone, and have balanced the bridge back up (admittedly, I didn't check the exact angle before dropping the tuning) to what appears to be parallel to the body.

Have I got a bad bridge? Is it still not quite set up right, or need some lubrication on the posts / knife edges? Hopefully it is something that is easily resolved!

Many Thanks in advance!
Is the locking nut tight? In my experience, you have apply far more force to tighten them than I'd really like to.
Is the locking nut tight? In my experience, you have apply far more force to tighten them than I'd really like to.

i'd say they are, as the strings stay in relative tune and is stable - it's only when pulling up on the tremolo that it goes out, and pushing down again restores it back to being in tune.
I've never had that problem on floyd guitars, kind of strange. I would look things over really well to make sure that trem's not rubbing in the cavity. Has to be some reason it's not returning to zero.

Good luck