Billy Martin


New Member
Jan 13, 2013
Driffield. U.K
So i am watching a se Billy Martin on ebay currently really cheap. Not in the best condition. Should be good for a restoration project. The question is. Is it possible to remove the horrible bat. Is it an inlay or a sticker type thing. Or is it a case of a new fret board.
Be careful about posting good deals on here, Sergio will snatch them up for STC.
What SE....... It's gone already.... ;)

I jest, I think the bat is in the neck wood itself.

It's been a long time since I saw one in person but it's definitely not a decal of sorts.

If you were wanting to rid yourself of the bat, you'd likely need a new board but don't quote me on that :dontknow:
Removing the fretboard isnt a problem. I think a ebony board would look cool. Matching to the body would look \m/. Its just cutting the fret slots which could be a problem. Cant seem to find any pre cut 25 inch boards in the u,k.
Yeah, that bats really in there! You could think about yanking the frets and doing an inlay project over the spooky bat.
Inlaying is out of my skill set plus dont have the tools for it. Replacing the fret board is the only option at the moment. This is all depending if i get the guitar of course.