"Active" Membership...


Zombie Zero, DFZ
Aug 1, 1985
...is steadily on the rise!

Overall membership is growing so rapidly I don't even track it anymore.

Not even one month ago, threads like this one (Click here) reflected the offline comments of many. Look at us now!

What a difference 54 cards can make. Thank you.

For those of you who made the commitment, please keep up the good work. More importantly, everyone who took a card and kept their word needs to PM me a mailing address. I'll have a small token of appreciation to send you in a week or two. :cool:

♥A - rugerpc
♥2 - garrett
♥3 - tacomadriver
♥4 (The Broken Heart) - Rango
♥5 - Butterfly
♥6 - RedGuitars
♥7 - jfb
♥8 - crgtr
♥9 -
Albrecht Smuten
♥10 - Wilerty
♥J - Daniel
♥Q - sergiodeblanc
♥K - ]-[ @ n $ 0 |v| a T ! ©
♠2 - justmund
♠3 - DirtyMoonsRJT
♠4 - HippieTim
♠5 - vchizzle
♠6 - John Beef
♠7 - Andy474x
♠8 - DocBennett (AKA "Ned")
♠9 - s.fitzsimmons
♠10 - Boogie
♠J - Harker1440
♠Q - ZebraPRS
♠K - BostonGuitar, "Official" President of the DGT Club
♦A - 11top
♦2 - ACE
♦3 - themike (AKA "3-Mike")
♦4 - Thomas-Hawk
♦5 - watelessness
♦6 -
♦7 - 38Roars
♦8 - Buildermike
♦9 - Egads
10 - Hemantooth
♦J - LSchefman
♦Q - QueenCityGuitars
♦K - Mikegarveyblues
♣A - JMintzer
♣2 - Danarada
♣3 - alantig
♣4 - Markie
♣5 - t.shamone
♣6 - Fbrandw
♣7 - veinbuster
♣8 - guitarsong
♣9 - Brad737
♣10 - OsirisProtocol
♣J - Hopeful Sinner
♣Q - Goldtop
♣K - Shawn
Joker 1 - Secunda
Joker 2 - Jester
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I just read your original thread..great job man! It's weird being a newer member, especially since I got off to such a rough start (you remember Hans) but I truely do enjoy this forum. The thing about a PRS guitar is that when you own one, you feel so much pride. Playing it at a gig or showing up to an audition with one..people automatically know you are serious about your craft..or at least you love the purity of what you do. I know some guys have them because they collect them and don't really play that much. I always imagined those guys as hobbyists who love perfection. The guy who polishes it almost as much as they play it. It's like a work of art that they get to interact with.

Anyway, the point I was making is I think we all appreciate the extra effort done at the factory to make a guitar as special and perfect as they are. Any PRS can be played at a bar, a stadium tour, or Saturday night in front of the mirror. The guys who make it don't discriminate. They make each one perfect for any situation.

This forum is a great place to share that pride we have of a guitar. My PRS is different from yours, yours different from mine..but they are the same also. You know what I mean?

Did I get off topic? Lol
The first show I ever played was in front of the mirror, and it's still one of my favorite venues!

Lol..wasn't that one of the first things we all did? Strap on a guitar and pose in front of the mirror playing the one chord that we knew!
Saturday night in front of the mirror...

I haven't played that venue yet. So far my important gigs include in the living room, in the bedroom, in the family room, in the basement studio, in front of the instructor, in group instruction, in the friend's house, at the farm and my big break: playing the DGT "Prototype" in the guitar store for a vid for this forum...
This is my little "thank you" to Hans. It's apparent that you put a lot of time and love into this forum.

I originally joined to to keep up with talk about the then upcoming 2012 Experience, but I have found myself back here daily enjoying the conversations.
Looking forward to the next Experience and possibly meeting some of you (hopefully all of you, anyone who can should go) in person.
I was the only one with a real instrument. A bass from the Sears catalog. Drums were carefully placed shoe boxes.

We played Heaven's on Fire until the shoe boxes were beat into oblivion.

the next summer, after that bass went bye bye (no idea where it went) we tried again. This time everyone had an instrument. I had an SG bass and swiped the PA from my old man's shop for an amp.

Sweet Child of Mine was the song.