Hello to everyone,
my name is Lorenzo and i'm italian so please excuse me for my probably bad english :biggrin:.
I also apologize if i wrote in the uncorrect section of the forum but anyway here is the problem i have:
i just saw this guitar in my near guitar shop https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/524710_564669520239963_1269448681_n.jpg and i really can't find what kinda model it is. Really , i searched a lot on the PRS site but I can't find this one.
It will help a lot if someone also have this guitar so can write me (if he want) a personal opinion about the sound and the build quality.
sorry for the bad photo quality but i had only my ipodtouch with me and the camera is a bit crappy.
Thanks to everyone and exuse me again for the mistakes.
my name is Lorenzo and i'm italian so please excuse me for my probably bad english :biggrin:.
I also apologize if i wrote in the uncorrect section of the forum but anyway here is the problem i have:
i just saw this guitar in my near guitar shop https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/524710_564669520239963_1269448681_n.jpg and i really can't find what kinda model it is. Really , i searched a lot on the PRS site but I can't find this one.
It will help a lot if someone also have this guitar so can write me (if he want) a personal opinion about the sound and the build quality.
sorry for the bad photo quality but i had only my ipodtouch with me and the camera is a bit crappy.
Thanks to everyone and exuse me again for the mistakes.