A little help to find the name of this prs


New Member
Apr 8, 2013
Hello to everyone,
my name is Lorenzo and i'm italian so please excuse me for my probably bad english :biggrin:.
I also apologize if i wrote in the uncorrect section of the forum but anyway here is the problem i have:
i just saw this guitar in my near guitar shop https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/524710_564669520239963_1269448681_n.jpg and i really can't find what kinda model it is. Really , i searched a lot on the PRS site but I can't find this one.
It will help a lot if someone also have this guitar so can write me (if he want) a personal opinion about the sound and the build quality.
sorry for the bad photo quality but i had only my ipodtouch with me and the camera is a bit crappy.
Thanks to everyone and exuse me again for the mistakes.
From the videos I've seen/heard that guitar seems like an incredible value for the sound it makes. Get it!
Welcome Lorenzo! I have owned both tremolo and fixed-bridge versions of the SE EGs, and I prefer the sound of the tremolo models like the one you have pictured.

They are stratocaster-like in sound, but not as twangy with the mahogany and set neck.

The quality is very high in general as with the other SE models, and I would not hesitate reccomending one if you are looking for that type of guitar.
Lorenzo, I own a PRS SE EG much like this one, mine is configured as a HSS with the tremolo bridge ,I love this guitar, it's my main player and I probably won't ever sell it , the only thing I,ve considered changing are the pickups, I'd like them to be a bit hotter for the singles and for the humbucker in the bridge to have a bit of extra crunch.