594 tailpiece height


Dave's not here
Apr 26, 2012
Vancouver, B.C. Canada
Been having so much fun with the new WL 594 that I didn't notice this until last night. Of course it didn't affect the playability at all, but one wonders why the tailpiece would have been setup so high by the previous owner?

So I loosened all the strings and brought the tailpiece down. Not decked, but just a turn above that. Looks like my Soapy now.

Can't think of a reason to have it setup as high as it was, can you?
Less break angle can make the strings feel slinkier. Kinda like top wrapping a bridge on a LP. Generally I prefer a bit more break angle/lower tail piece just because it can help eliminate sting buzz. If I have the tailpiece too high on my Heritage H-535 it buzzes too much. Set up is such a matter of personal preference.
My LP is set high so that the strings clear the back of the bridge. Looks like PRS made taller saddles to avoid that issue.

Turns out I prefer the feel of the reduced break angle even though it looks kind of ridiculous with everyone else doing a top wrap and going all the way to the body.
I have one Les Paul that plays great, but only with the bridge raised fairly high, so I wrap the strings over the stop tailpiece to keep them from dragging over the rear of the bridge. But I can’t see any reason to do that on a 594. I could venture a few guesses, but it’s better to just say if it’s working right down in the body, then that’s where it ought to be!

One thing I’ve loved about my PRS guitars is how you never have to do some goofy, bizarre adjustment to make them play right.

I was doing my annual guitar cleaning... Fretboard clean, guitar polish etc....

When I got to cleaning the bridge I released it's begun to go ever so slightly concave from the center. I'm guessing it's because the string pressure was too high. I use 11s in standard tuning & action with the tailpiece bolted down.

I'm hoping a vice and hot air will bring it back in about 4-5 days but the big question is........ Is the bottom of the bridge also flat or does it have a curve to it too?

Help brothers, I need to know if the fellow 594 bridge bottoms & tops are flat or curved?
With 9-46s I had mine raised up about an 1/8" off the top. Now with 9-42s I may end
up lowering it some.

I was doing my annual guitar cleaning... Fretboard clean, guitar polish etc....

When I got to cleaning the bridge I released it's begun to go ever so slightly concave from the center. I'm guessing it's because the string pressure was too high. I use 11s in standard tuning & action with the tailpiece bolted down.

I'm hoping a vice and hot air will bring it back in about 4-5 days but the big question is........ Is the bottom of the bridge also flat or does it have a curve to it too?

Help brothers, I need to know if the fellow 594 bridge bottoms & tops are flat or curved?

I recently found out about this happening with old Les Pauls' tune-o-matics, but I wouldn't have thought it would with a newer guitar. If you bought it new, I would think it should be covered under the warranty.