
  1. nickyhillguitar

    New PRS Pulse Artist 2025 - just saying hello!

    Hey all, my name is Nicky Hill and I am a new PRS pulse artist from London. Just a message to say hello and that I'm super excited to be a part of the team! If anybody wants to connect: Instagram: nickyhillguitar TikTok: nickyhillguitar Looking forward to speaking with you all!
  2. peterfergusonproductions

    2005 McCarty Soapbar - 20th Anniversary Package?

    Hi everyone, first time poster. I have a 2005 McCarty Soapbar model, and was hoping for some clarification on the specs. From what I understand, PRS was doing an artist package and a 20th anniversary package in 2005. These included various specs...I believe the artist package had BRW, gold...
  3. Moondog Wily

    PRS on stage with Prince

    Well, apparently, PRS was able to make it to the stage of the legendary performer, though not in his hands. In March of 2013 on the Tonight Show, Prince and his band 3rd Eye Girl performed and I was able to see this picture today of Donna Grantis (on the left) that made me take notice...
  4. edstojo

    20th Anniversary CST24 stamped “AS” on headstock?

    I have a black custom 24 10-top that’s a 20th anniversary. I bought this guitar about four years ago and the back of the head stock has a stamp “AS“ how do I find out more about this guitar? I would post pictures, but I don’t think I’m allowed to post pictures yet.
  5. Solteroblues

    NGD! 594 Wood Library Artist Package

    This finally arrived last Friday, haven't had a ton of time with it yet, but I think this is finally the 594 that I'll keep forever. It's a 2019 Wood Library Artist, with a 1-piece quilted maple top and African Blackwood (not your normal ebony) fingerboard. It's funny, I found 3 of these WL...
  6. Moondog Wily

    NSD (New Song Day) - "King Of MW"

    My song release for this week was penned in 2018, and has finally made it out of my head so I can move on!! Give a listen if you are so inclined and thanks in advance for any feedback (good and bad welcome, I have thick skin)!!! HBII (Hoorman...
  7. Moondog Wily

    Moondog Wily's Greatest Hits

    I have been a musician my entire life, but never wanted to pursue a career in this field because of the "rigged game" that is the music industry. Music has always been my religion (don't know if I heard that Hendrix quote, but I have felt that way from even before knowing who Jimi Hendrix was)...
  8. Utkarsh

    Double Quarantine NGD Part 1: Purple Artist Custom 24

    This is a highly unusual NGD and as is usual with me, a verbose one. About four months ago, I had to travel to India for a family matter and have only today returned to Singapore. Singapore having some of the stricter quarantine laws around require me and my wife to self isolate in a dedicated...
  9. Patrick Montgomery

    My guitar family

    I’m new to the forum, but have been collecting/playing PRS guitars since 2010! This was my collection earlier this year, so it doesn’t include my newest guitar. Just thought you all might enjoy some eye candy!
  10. Joesnewmatch

    Returning to the fold... can someone explain Wood Library and Artist values?

    I'm about to join the club again. It was love at first sight when I saw a Special 22 semi-hollowbody limpet edition over the Summer. I'm still thinking about it and about to pull the trigger. The question is which one or type to get? I used to have a lot of PRS, but it seemed like the only...
  11. Ytolyccuz

    Wood Library Artist and Wood Library 10-top

    I got a limited run Wood Library Mccarty 594 about a month ago. The site I got it from indicates that mine is an Artist Grade top. I recently saw a Wood Library 10-top Mccarty 594 with a "10" as the marker for a 10-top. Is there a code in my serial or other visual mark that I can use to...
  12. jeffgoobs

    Artist V Pickups

    I posted a few questions about the Artist V pickups in the 85/15, 57/08. 59/09 thread, but I'm not sure it's the best place for it, seeing as the question involves a pickup not listed in the thread title. So I'm going to try this again. I'm seeking opinions on the Artist V pickups. I've...
  13. T

    tapping on an artist 1

    i'm new on this forum but I bought my artist in 1993 new and its been my main squeeze ever since. check out my youtube video "tendonitis solo version" and see the half flame/ half quilt chevron cut beauty i'm tapping on. also my solo instrumental debut, Collisions, on which every electric guitar...