The Photo Booth

My beloved Custom 24 LTD (with 57/08s) 10-Top after getting converted to 3 way and push pull. MUCH better than the rotary and I swear the pickups sound much more clear and less muffled and more powerful now. I love the look too. Reaming for the switch took the longest.

OK, well, no travel shots or art shots or family-and-loved-ones shots, but I have been working on redoing my document-my-guitar-collection shots. Haven't gotten to all the instruments yet, and I still have four incoming over the next few months, but even as is it should be fun for you guitar geeks.

Here's a teaser:

That looks fantastic. I like the juxtaposition of the black route cavity behind the gold FR bridge on the white body. The black pup rings and gold pickups keep the motif moving through the guitar.

I have to assume this guitar is for a gunslinger. What are the pickups, Shawn.
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Thanks Hans, I think it's pretty classy looking myself.

It was a stock Navarro when it arrived. We didn't alter the electronics or pickups, we just dropped the Floyd in it.
No camera up here other than my phone....this is my new buddy! We say hello every morning on my walk into work. It's HUGE!!!!
