Rotation ~Assessment~Streamling


Luthier and Sound Sensei
Sep 30, 2022
For those of you lucky souls that have multiple instruments , how often do you rotate ?

When you do , do you fall back in love with those lesser played, or decide maybe the time has come to let someone else enjoy this ?

I try to give all of mine some time , but inevitably I stick with one for an extended period with a small group rotating.

Then I stare at the stacks of instruments wondering .. WTF can I go back to those simple days of 1 electric and 1 acoustic ? ... .....
When I was gigging regularly, I always took two guitars. I typically to one trem and one stop tail. I always had one guitar that was my main playing guitar at that time. This would change from time to time depending on the band I was in and the songs we were playing. I pick a guitar that has a look and sound to fit the set lists. I would rotate different guitars through the backup slot. I like to change to the backup occasionally through the night just to change things up so both guitars get played every night.

I always fell back in love with the guitars and got a reminder of why I kept them. It is so much of a thing for me that I have thought about thinning my collection down a number of times. I get a guitar out that I haven't had out in quite some time and check it out for condition to get my information for listing it for sale and then I fall in love with it again and remember why I hung on to it and it goes right back in the closet. I have done this several times.

The last time I decided that I probably shouldn't play them and just sell them. I pulled a few out that I was thinking about selling. I had made some modifications to these guitars. I decided to put them back to stock. I always keep the original parts whenever I modify a guitar. I had a pot swap in one, a pickup swap in another, some minor modifications to the other, tuners etc.. After I put them back to stock, I had them in my hands just long enough to remind myself how good of guitars they are and they are still here... Two of them are LP style guitars that are made out of Honduran Mahogany. You can't get guitars made of that anymore. Both play great. One of them is not being made anymore. It is a Hamer USA. The other isn't being made right now either. It is a Heritage 157. They stopped making this model. They may bring it back but are not making it at the moment. I also have an early 90's Hamer Diablo that doesn't get much love. I just haven't been able to make myself sell them.
I take 2 similar guitars to a gig, a worker and backup.
On the next job, the backup from the previous job is the worker,
(It was disappointed because it didn't get to make music last time out.)
and a different guitar comes along as the backup.

I will usually play a certain type of guitar for several weeks before changing types.
(At this point in time I am playing Gibson semi hollows.)

When I change guitar type, I rediscover all the good in a particular guitar type.
It's like getting 2 new guitars for free!

The only "odd couple" I have are my S2 Mira and my EBMM Y2D SM.
They are completely different guitars that somehow go well together.
Easy. I can't decide what to play, so I don't play any of them........:eek:
I am still struggling a bit with motivation. For now, pedals are my jam. I keep thinking it is time to get playing with a group again. However, the last one I was going to play part time with sent me their list and it completely disinterested me to the point of not playing with them. I am really tired of all of the bands in this area all playing the same old songs and nobody learning anything new. It doesn't have to be a song that was released this year but how about something in the last 5 years?

I put together a very successful band where I picked songs by bands that were popular but were not the one or two songs that were played to death by the radio and every band around here. People loved it. I received comments all the time about how people knew all the songs and it was great to hear different popular songs from the same bands that other local bands were playing. After about a year of playing, other bands started to learn the songs we were playing because they showed up at our shows and saw the crowd reactions. We would just learn some other songs and keep refreshing the list.
I try to keep most everything in rotation, but some definitely get more play time than others or at least go through longer stints of favor.

I just traded my 2 least played guitars for more PRS in the last couple weeks. It's a little tricky having gotten two kick ass guitars in such close proximity though because its like "crap which one do I grab" lol
I have 2 electrics and an acoustic. My S2 is at Dr. PRS for a warranty tone pot replacement. I haven’t been playing the acoustic much at all. So just playing the Santana III and kinda wishing my S2 Studio was back. I’m in the mood for single coils. Anyway, nothing moving on.
i have my favorites, some honorable mentions, and some neglected ones. i could probably cover all needs with my favorites, but it's nice to have some flavor with the honorable mentions. i should probably sell the neglected ones but i just cant seem to part with them because, you know, i might play them... and they're cool to look at...
I thinned the herd from 5 to 3: 2 electrics (Fiore and S2 24-08) and 1 acoustic. I’ve finally been making some real progress on songwriting, and have thought about casing one of the electrics out of sight to take away choices. I tend to want to compare my guitars as a procrastination rabbit hole. For me, you only need one guitar to write the bones of a song, and it’s nice to only have one to grab. I love them both though.
For me a guitar has to earn a spot on the wall , It has been strongly suggested that I have all the wall space I am getting so 16 wall spaces and about 4 in a stand is max and I'm at 19 at the moment. the biggest change for me was finding some difficult to find guitars ( NF3 , DC22 ) and then getting a NF53 and falling in love with a Santana Retro in the same shopping trip , so I sold a Silver Sky ( because I had 2 ) and a CU24 because I am still hoping to find the unicorn one with a wide fat neck or just a different one I like better.
I only PRS I don't have something close to is something with a 2 piece bridge. So unless PRS comes up with a new guitar I am lusting after I am hoping to be set for a bit ( Fat Chance ) .
Every time I think of downsizing ... something like this becomes available ... argh ...