Design On A Dimebag VI: How The Grinch Stole Xmas. (A Quickie)


New Member
Apr 26, 2012
My guitar stand wasn't jiving with the finish I put on DOAD #1, it was eating away at it and kinda melting into it.. Well that started to bother me a bit so I went to HoDepo and bought some environmentally safe chemical stripper around the same time I did DOAD V.

Yeah, that stuff sucks. I have no idea what kinda paint that sh!t is supposed to remove, I don't think it could even strip off Crayola marker let alone actual paint, it's trash. Back to the store when I was buying more paint for that other project, and I got some of the real nasty stuff.



Not only did it strip off the paint but it killed a few weeds poking up through my weed-stop. So yeah, I count it as doing some yard work too.
Now that's what I call a friggin WIN WIN!

Plus you got to play with hazardous chemicals... while unsupervised! Hells yeah! I stand corrected, that was a friggin WIN WIN WIN...WHILE, WINNING! Saweet!
Full disclosure:
For 3 glorious weeks in 1991 (just a couple years before Dazed & Confused), I was McConaughey's boss when he was waiting tables at our club in Austin. That man enjoyed a shift drink. After a shot or two, he'd be about 50% of his way to the Wooderson character, so I feel like I got treated to previews. :D

I've never seen a guy kill it more pulling phone numbers in my life. Watching him operate was a sight to behold. :eek:
Full disclosure:
For 3 glorious weeks in 1991 (just a couple years before Dazed & Confused), I was McConaughey's boss when he was waiting tables at our club in Austin. That man enjoyed a shift drink. After a shot or two, he'd be about 50% of his way to the Wooderson character, so I feel like I got treated to previews. :D

I've never seen a guy kill it more pulling phone numbers in my life. Watching him operate was a sight to behold. :eek:

Flux Bueller... you're my hero.......