Worn satin nitro finish?


New Member
Feb 14, 2021
PRS has been making the satin nitro finish long enough that there should be some out there in the wild that have been gigged hard and are starting to naturally relic. Anyone have pics of one with decent wear?
I don't play my 2010 with the satin pf09 quite hard enough to have worn it through. I have a Strat which is my normally grab and go as I'm happier leaving that out on a stand all the time and that one I've worn through the nitro on the neck and body in places.
I don't think my PRS would take too much more to start showing though - around the edges of the body I'm pretty sure there's areas where it's worn away but my guitar is a natural finish so it's harder to tell.

It's definitely on the relicing route though, plenty of donks and dinks even on the maple top
Yeah I refuse to start an image hosting account just to post pics here when every other forum I post on lets you just directly upload pics. Hoping someone has some pics of the satin nitro finish specifically with some good honest wear.
I had an original ME with a matte nitro finish, and the only effect from wear was that all the high contact areas became kinda shiny.
Highly worn satin finishes will usually buff into more of a gloss.

Eventually though, they’ll go from gloss back to satin because the finish will wear through. Maybe the satin nitro finishes just haven’t been around long enough for that to happen yet? Can’t wait to see how they look when they do.