What color is this ??

I need to figure out how to put images
You need to use a third-party site like Imgur to upload your photos, then you link to them using the "Image" tool (if you grab the plain link to the image) or by directly pasting in the BBCode link.

If the link is a BBCode it comes with IMG tags on both ends, like {IMG}http...photo.jpg{/IMG} except the squiggly brackets are really square, and you just paste it in.

If it comes with no tags, just http....photo.jpg type link, then you use the Image tool. (The Image tool adds the {IMG} tags mentioned previously.)

If the link you grab doesn't have an actual image filename ending in .jpg (etc), then it won't work.
Oh, and as for the color...Black Gold is indeed quite variable - almost as variable as Obsidian, IMHO. But Black Gold with the natural scraped binding is unusual (apparently the black is hard to scrape out/through), so my guess would be Tiger's Eye, but could also be something else altogether now.