What are you playing or practicing right now?


Who else has been practicing? Whataya playin?
I have been working:
  1. Learn and Master Guitar Session 14 "Giving Your Playing Some Style", which is about slides, bends, etc. L&MG has been my "core" study program since I took up guitar a few years ago. I hopw to finish it this year.
  2. TrueFire's 30 Beginning Blues Licks You Must Know by Corey Congilio. I am on lick 28. I might actually finish a guitar course that I started!!!!!!!!!! Woo Hoo!! I never thought I would say that:D:rolleyes: I have been taking private lessons with Corey as I have gone through it. I am going to then start Corey's Rhythm course.
  3. Strumming and Rhythm Mastery (SARM). This is the rhythm course from Griff Hamlin of Blues Guitar Unleashed (BGU). I started BGU and then went to the SARM. If and when I finish SARM I'll go back to BGU
This keeps me busy!
I have been working:
  1. Learn and Master Guitar Session 14 "Giving Your Playing Some Style", which is about slides, bends, etc. L&MG has been my "core" study program since I took up guitar a few years ago. I hopw to finish it this year.
  2. TrueFire's 30 Beginning Blues Licks You Must Know by Corey Congilio. I am on lick 28. I might actually finish a guitar course that I started!!!!!!!!!! Woo Hoo!! I never thought I would say that:D:rolleyes: I have been taking private lessons with Corey as I have gone through it. I am going to then start Corey's Rhythm course.
  3. Strumming and Rhythm Mastery (SARM). This is the rhythm course from Griff Hamlin of Blues Guitar Unleashed (BGU). I started BGU and then went to the SARM. If and when I finish SARM I'll go back to BGU
This keeps me busy!

Thanks for the links! Will definitely check them out
I bought it 25 years ago thinking I’d grow into it... nope.
It took me 6 years to work through a Ted Greene. The guy expects you to use chords that require 7 fingers. Eventually I learned something.

I have some violin concertos that I doubt I’ll ever be able to play at half speed on guitar. I’ll humiliate myself with them every couple of years though.

I might even be daring enough to buy Friday Night now so you won’t be alone in your dispare.
Five hours? I was just getting to bed!

Yeah, the whole alarm going off at 4:00 AM thing sucks. That KISS concert earlier this month was a tough night. I didn't get to bed until 1:00. I can barely make it until 10:00! That is definitely one thing I'll look forward to on April 28th, no alarm. That'll be the first day of the Mrs' retirement.
I had to ditch the acoustics because my book of Friday Night in San Francisco got ruined from all the sweating and crying.
I just listened to it for the first time. Holy Smoke! That book must have weighed five pounds! Too many notes for mere mortals.
I have been working with Arabic and Gypsy music. Scales, of course, but mostly the chord theory - focused on borrowed chords and modal movement. I am trying to develop some "hybrid" compositions that utilize Middle Eastern folk structures and alternate tunings. It's a brain exercise, for sure...plus it's stretching my theory skills, which has been my goal over the last year or so. I want to be less of a "guitarist" and more of a composer that utilizes guitar. The tracks I am recording for my current solo album are pretty much piano focused. Only one song has guitar at all.

I am also working on classical chord progressions - getting myself away from "pop" song constructs. I want to be able to create a piece of music that is "classical" enough to be able to give to my friend - who is a middle school orchestra teacher - for her kids to perform at a concert. I am getting closer to understanding how to break chords apart for multiple instruments to play the voicings. I realized it's the same thing that a lot of Black Metal bands do with splitting the root and 5th between two guitarists when tremolo picking. I am just contemplating how to handle some of the "deeper" portions of the voicings, like the 3rds or 7ths. Also, chopping up the chord into different rhythmic "movements" to enhance the dynamics. It's growing a little at a time. I'll get there.

THEN, I am also working on creating 4 bar pieces of music that can be looped for YouTube vloggers. Things that go beyond just "beats" - little pieces of actual music that can be dropped into a video editing program and stretched to fit as needed. I am trying to make it interesting, but not distracting - background music, really. I am using loops and writing a lot with MIDI for this. Totally NO guitars - I'll tell you what, trying to communicate a vibe with a melody in 4 bars really challenges my writing. I like to write long songs that build.

Anyway, everyday is working on one of these different bits. I still play guitar everyday. Sometimes it'll be for 5 minutes just to run a scale. Other times I have an idea and I pull out my phone and video myself playing the riff so I don't lose it. Sometimes I just want to hear one of my killer PRS'....