S2 McCarty 594 or S2 Custom 22


New Member
Dec 7, 2015
I need your help enablers. I recently got an S2 Single Cut Semi-Hollow that I really like. I like the neck carve and the top
carve. So much so that I am probably going to let my 98 CE24 to. Found out I like Pattern Regular carve much better. The CE is a special guitar, but it just sits on the stand or in its case. And I recently sold around 10 guitars so trying to keep the herd small as well.

Am considering replacing with something with a similar neck carve like the S2 Custom 22 or maybe the S2 594. I know the neck carve is a little different, but S2 single cuts in the same neck carve and 25” scale are hard to come by. I play mainly classic rock. Anyone with an S2 594 and an S2 Custom 22 with advice? Is the a big difference in the necks. I know the scale will be different as well. Looking as used for both. And I play at home only these days.
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I need your help enablers. I recently got an S2 Single Cut Semi-Hollow that I really like. I like the neck carve and the top
carve. So much so that I am probably going to let my 98 CE24 to. Found out I like Pattern Regular carve much better. The CE is a special guitar, but it just sits on the stand or in its case. And I recently sold around 10 guitars so trying to keep the herd small as well.

Am considering replacing with something with a similar neck carve like the S2 Custom 22 or maybe the S2 594. I know the neck carve is a little different, but S2 single cuts in the same neck carve and 25” scale are hard to come by. I play mainly classic rock. Anyone with an S2 594 and an S2 Custom 22 with advice? Is the a big difference in the necks. I know the scale will be different as well. Looking as used for both. And I play at home only these days.

I recently bought an S2 Custom 22, and played an S2 594 while on the hunt. I found the 594s neck noticeably larger, to a point that even though it sounded great, I couldn't bond with it. As always, YMMV, but I'd say it's a fairly big neck difference. The CU22 suits me much better - mine did come with replacement pickups, but sounds and feels so good that I'm not feeling that I missed out by passing on the 594.
I own both the S2 Custom 22, Singlecut MC 594 (and S2 Singlecut Semi-Hollow). As a clean to mild overdrive player, I'm much happier with the Custom 22. The neck on the SC Semi is like the Custom 22. The difference to me, is that the 594 has a thicker body and doesn't have a tremolo. If you play on the bridge pickup with overdrive, you might like the MC 594. I'm much happier with the sound and playability of my S2 CU 22 and S2 SC Semi.

I don’t have any experience with the S2 line, but I do have a core Custom 22 with a W/F neck. I’ll take a 22 over a 24 any day. I think the Cu22 are an unsung star of the lineup!
I own both the S2 Custom 22, Singlecut MC 594 (and S2 Singlecut Semi-Hollow). As a clean to mild overdrive player, I'm much happier with the Custom 22. The neck on the SC Semi is like the Custom 22. The difference to me, is that the 594 has a thicker body and doesn't have a tremolo. If you play on the bridge pickup with overdrive, you might like the MC 594. I'm much happier with the sound and playability of my S2 CU 22 and S2 SC Semi.

You are the reason I bought the S2 semi-hollow to begin with - enabler. I am leaning towards the S2 Custom 22 because of the familiarity with the neck. You seem to have all the good
Looking S2’s
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I recently bought an S2 Custom 22, and played an S2 594 while on the hunt. I found the 594s neck noticeably larger, to a point that even though it sounded great, I couldn't bond with it. As always, YMMV, but I'd say it's a fairly big neck difference. The CU22 suits me much better - mine did come with replacement pickups, but sounds and feels so good that I'm not feeling that I missed out by passing on the 594.
Thanks. Never played a 594, but they are so popular.
You are the reason I bought the S2 semi-hollow to begin with - enabler. I am leaning towards the S2 Custom 22 because of the familiarity with the neck. You seem to have all the good
Looking S2’s

Have I ever steered you wrong? LOL!

I watch the internet site from shops, within 120 miles from me. One shop even sends me email, as to what arrived each day. Then when they have something, I take a drive. I did buy two, 2021 S2 Custom 22's. Even though they were supposedly, discontinued. The S2's have been selling really fast. Good luck with your search.
I own both the S2 Custom 22, Singlecut MC 594 (and S2 Singlecut Semi-Hollow). As a clean to mild overdrive player, I'm much happier with the Custom 22. The neck on the SC Semi is like the Custom 22. The difference to me, is that the 594 has a thicker body and doesn't have a tremolo. If you play on the bridge pickup with overdrive, you might like the MC 594. I'm much happier with the sound and playability of my S2 CU 22 and S2 SC Semi.

Love that “mustache” on that SC Semi HB.
while on the hunt. I found the 594s neck noticeably larger, to a point that even though it sounded great, I couldn't bond with it.

Gotta concur with the finding above ...

I like the S2 McCarty 594 a bunch, as its a well made piece, and sounds great ...

But I have all that in a guitar that "fits" me much better , an S2 McCarty 594 Thinline. Which aside from not being as heavy /chunky, has the Pattern Thin neck carve that I bond with immediately . I could maybe adopt to the chunky "Pattern Vintage" over time but now, with its $1900 price tag, I'm not willing to "roll the dice" ... :oops:

Oh ... as for an S2 CU 22 ? I'm not a fan of the 85/15S that I have in my SE's ...So when PRS puts TCI/S pickups in them , maybe ...