S2 Custom 22 Semi Hollow


New Member
Dec 17, 2020
Okay gang, my new S2 Custom 22 Semi Hollow just arrived yesterday and I had a little time to play it, but I find that the pickups are a little bit hot (i.e. noisy) for my liking in this guitar. I'd like a little more mellow pickup with a slightly warmer sound and a little less on the top end. Any suggestions? 59/09, 58/08, Artist, Bare Knuckle Abraxas?
Tried dropping them and they were still a little hot for my liking in the semi-hollow body and given that I play with a healthy amount of gain, I was still getting some unwanted resonant feedback. Pulled the trigger on a set of Abraxas pickups and dropped them in, had the guitar setup, and that was just the ticket. Nice warm, mellow sound that's a little bit punchier in the midrange with a slightly darker tone than the 85/15 S pickups that came from the factory.