Recording attempt #1

Yosa Sugimoto

New Member
Nov 28, 2014
So I tried to record a song with FL Studio using my SE C24 + Digitech RP500 direct USB connection, after about an hour the sound of the guitar changed, more noise, and just not clear, losing the bass and doubling, just crazy. At first I thought it was the pedal, but when I unplugged from computer, the sound back to normal. So I guess it's my CPU and RAM? or I just need a proper preamp? I think both? In this song below you can hear the noise at the 3rd part, I was using the same settings for the 2nd and the 3rd part. After the recording finished, the sound get worse. Please disregard my bad playing.
I couldn't guess on what the noise issue might be, but nice playing and tone...especially for a direct recording! Merry Christmas
Yeah, no bad playing there!

Does the noise go away if you unplug the USB cable from the computer and plug it back in? It could be a bad cable or noise from an external source (like a cell phone sitting on the cable). But when I've had issues like this, it was a USB port on a "break-out" panel, as in the USB plugs were on the top or front of the computer. You might try plugging the RP500 directly into a USB port on the back which is directly soldered to the motherboard. Definitely not your CPU or RAM! It could also be a bad Windows USB driver, or even a hardware/firmware issue with the RP500 -- might be worth a try on another computer if the above checks don't clear it.

...or buy a Mac. :vroam:

Merry Christmas!

Edit: It could also be something with FL Studio, but it doesn't sound like something a DAW would do -- but I have no experience with it, so ignore me. ;)
Wow, thanks for the compliments guys...

Actually I haven't try unplug it and plug it again, since I was already frustrated.
I will try all of the above after Christmas, I assume you guys hear the difference?the sudden buzz? The guitar sounds much better in live, I can even get an acoustic sound with the coil tap pulled up on mid position. I would love to share the sound of it some other time after I fix the issue if you don't mind.

Thanks again, and Merry Christmas all!!!
I really like your playing and rendition of Adeste Fideles. Nice! Inspires me to try that as I was taught to sing that as a kid, a very long, long time ago.

That little bit of buzz that snuck in sounded like some 60 cycle hum that could have come from something like a fluorescent light or something, perhaps?
I really like your playing and rendition of Adeste Fideles. Nice! Inspires me to try that as I was taught to sing that as a kid, a very long, long time ago.

That little bit of buzz that snuck in sounded like some 60 cycle hum that could have come from something like a fluorescent light or something, perhaps?

Oh, good point. Or a light dimmer -- even when those are all the way on they can throw hash. I literally have almost 20 of those in my house... :bawling: Or a ground loop perhaps, if you added/triggered a pedal in the chain between sections 2 and 3.
Very sweet playing, I'd like to hear more of your playing if you don't mind sometime in the future
Merry Christmas
I think it's a computer related problems, I also think the RP500 not a good interface for recording, I'll save up and get a decent preamp later on... maybe TASCAM? I did reboot it, the sound back to normal, but for about 45minutes or an hour, problem begin again...

I'm glad you guys enjoy the music, I usually play some rock songs, but recently I get addicted to gregorian and latin songs... I want to try to arrange and mix gregorian chants with guitar, which I don't know how to yet...
So I tried to record a song with FL Studio using my SE C24 + Digitech RP500 direct USB connection, after about an hour the sound of the guitar changed, more noise, and just not clear, losing the bass and doubling, just crazy. At first I thought it was the pedal, but when I unplugged from computer, the sound back to normal. So I guess it's my CPU and RAM? or I just need a proper preamp? I think both? In this song below you can hear the noise at the 3rd part, I was using the same settings for the 2nd and the 3rd part. After the recording finished, the sound get worse. Please disregard my bad playing.

Very pleasing, good playing all around ! Thanks for sharing the tune with us !!
Nice playing and great sound, especially for a direct recording!

As for the hum, obviously something change during recording. Someone may turn on the light dimmer. In my place, every time my wife turned on the hot water in the bathroom, the very audible hum will come out of my stereo set. You would need a hum eliminator, or choose to record when nobody else is around.
When I unplug the USB, the noise is gone... I will try to remove any other USB device and record something tomorrow (when no one's home). I will let you guys know how it goes.