PRS SE Custom 22 Semi Hollow Demo

Dammit Corey!

Like I don't suffer from GAS as it is! ;)

The neck and middle positions sound fantastic. Very slightly underwhelmed by the bridge sound in this demo.

I see these are listed as 'original SE pickups' on the product page.... Hmmm...

Just needs more colour choices...

He he, going to check the colors now.
I bet my youngest son would like one equipped with Schaller Strap Locks and Autotrim lockers for a Christmas gift.
It would compliment his 2012 SE Semi-Hollow very well.
Geeeeeeez, I gave myself GAS :D

Just called my pusher, er dealer, and he already has one on order, but he will check and see what color.
If not orange, he will change it.
This will be for my youngest son though who just turned 29 Monday of this week.

Now I have to find something comparable in price for my oldest son (33 next month) for Christmas :D

Of course if this comes in early the old man is going to play it, then store it in a PRS hardcase (I have around three extra now) so he will not see it when they come over before Christmas.
Gotta find out from my youngest son now what his brother might want for Christmas.
Last year I got them a full load of Craftsman tools and a Craftsman toolbox each.
They are setup on tools to handle many tasks.


My orange, oooops, I mean my sons :D , guitar ships to my dealer on Monday.
Should arrive next Friday or Monday.
Lollers, I like the way it looks like they left a space for a third color -- it's like they never offered only two colors before.
I played the orange one at a local GC last week. Great guitar, definitely a GAS-trigger. Now I do have a Mesa combo that I may or may not take to that GC tomorrow and may or may not try to trade it for one.....
Brice, glad you thought it was a good guitar.

My sons guitar landed at my dealer yesterday, one week shipping as normal.
But...the Autotrim tuners are not in yet, hopefully early next week.
Looks like I should be able to pick up this guitar mid week next week, and I will put up a new thread two weekends from now.
May even try to make a video, but I will not be able to share it to Facebook, as he will see it :D