PRS - Please make an SE 245 /Soapbar with a Goldtop finish. Please!


New Member
Dec 30, 2012
Upstate NY
I would love another SE 245, this time with a Goldtop finish, with cream binding on the sides, natural wood color on sides/back/headstock. Especially on a SE 245 Soapbar model too, with an adjustable Tonepros bridge. You would sell TONS, I'm positive. Thank you very much.
Tell me more. Now.

Step 1: Aquire SE 245 (used or new)
Step 2: Contact PTC and request a quote for the refinish and bridge installation
Step 3: Send guitar to PTC
Strep 4: Have the SE of your dreams

Understand its a lot of work to do what you want, but most, if not all of it, can be done!
Possible. It would be a lot cheaper though if it just came gold as an option in the first place :D Seriously, they would sell a lot.
Possible. It would be a lot cheaper though if it just came gold as an option in the first place :D Seriously, they would sell a lot.
You're probably right. I would get tingly in my private areas if this was an available model.
I'd have a hard time not buying that if it were a 245 soapie.
I think it's safe to say, there would be much tingling in both private and public regions.
I'd buy a goldtop SE245 right now.

I emailed the PTC for a quote to refinish my black CE24 as a goldtop and it was a little more than I want to spend. I know they would do a fabulous job but it was too much to invest in a CE.