PRS Archtop Pups with out of phase option. Opinions sought


New Member
Mar 14, 2015
Western PA
So I won the pair of Archtop pups from Hans, and I'm thinking of taking my SE Zach Myers to nstuffmusic (here in Pittsburgh) to have them installed, but adding an out of phase mini toggle or push/pull pot. Would I be able to get some of those sweet out of phase tones that Mayer is getting with his Super Eagle on the Dead & Company shows ? Or is that tone strictly related to the Narrow Field middle pup and splitting the bridge pup ?

It's usually done with a middle pup and an outer pup, but it's been done with the two outer pups as well. Easiest way to hear it is to wire it in that way first, see if it's something you want before you add the electronics in. It's pretty extreme, so you'd definitely want to be able to toggle it off. Dew et!
Those pickups are two-conductor pickups; modifying the way they act can be challenging because of this fact. From what I understand, three conductors are needed for splitting and four if you're interested in giving yourself phasing and series/parallel options.

This is the reason I swapped out the Archtop pickups in my HBI for 57/08s. I wanted more variety in pickup tones.