PRS 408 How do you like em?

Hollis Prince

New Member
Oct 25, 2014
Memphis TN
I see a lot of folks here have 408's. I've always been intrigued by them; on paper they look really awesome: a wider magnetic field for bridge pickup and a narrower field neck pickup. I forget exactly how they described it, but it makes perfect sense. I guess you can't change the pickups, you're stuck with the 408's. So my question is basically how do you like 'em? Are you happy with the pickups and the switching options? How do they sound?
They sound great, like a PRS should. Plus don't forget whatever your putting in the signal path effects the sound. The lack of signal strength drop off when goin to single coil can take a little getting used to. Go to yout local shop and take a test drive.
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I enjoy mine very much, best guitar I have owned yet.

I see a lot of folks here have 408's. I've always been intrigued by them; on paper they look really awesome: a wider magnetic field for bridge pickup and a narrower field neck pickup. I forget exactly how they described it, but it makes perfect sense. I guess you can't change the pickups, you're stuck with the 408's. So my question is basically how do you like 'em? Are you happy with the pickups and the switching options? How do they sound?

I liked them enough, that I bought a pauls guitar, so I could have every type...enough said ! The sig. limited covers the other side of the 408 coin.
Last edited: they make guitars without 408's?!?!?! They sound like every other pickup I have ever just get them all without swapping/soldering.
I think it's a great guitar! I love mine, the versatility is really fantastic. I specifically love the combos you can do with the middle position.
I really like mine, the mid position is special with all its options, it is thicker ( body depth ) just a nice balanced guitar.

I play in a wide raging cover band and the tonal flexibility is what I love - exactly what 408s were designed for. The fact that they are usually housed in a McCarty platform makes them my perfect guitar.

A couple of mine ready for gig duty last weekend:

I play in a wide raging cover band and the tonal flexibility is what I love - exactly what 408s were designed for. The fact that they are usually housed in a McCarty platform makes them my perfect guitar.

A couple of mine ready for gig duty last weekend:

Are these both private stock guitars ?
408s are outstanding to play. They cover a broad range of sonic territory better than anything I know of. Smoke it if you've got it.