Pet idiosyncrasies


Cousin Eddie's cousin
Apr 26, 2012
18 miles from Markie and Nana.
Every morning when I try to enter the shower, I am blocked by this 18 lb. wildcat:

Actually, Gus is real pu$$ycat, and he stands on the other side of the shower curtain and yeeeeeooooowwwwws at me until I finally turn off the water, step out of the shower and head for the lav. Then, this is the 2nd part of the morning ritual:

Anybody else have a furry friend with unusual mannerisms? :biggrin:
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Duke always did the same thing. Had to drink from the faucet. Had to go to bed at a certain time in our bed. Had to be fed the right stuff at the right time. Oh wait, was that me?

Duke was my buddy. He helped with all my FrankenStrat projects.
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+1 for faucet-drinking cats. Remington not only will ONLY drink from the faucet, but he must hop in the tub post-shower.

In addition to trying to break into the Keurig for a drink (teeth marks on the cover) he has taken to watching...really WATCHING...TV as of late...

I also had the poor late Gizmo who would literally RUN into the room whenever I put Steely Dan's "Aja" on and proceed to curl up and go to sleep...
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Mila -
Chatters at me when I make noises like sniffing or clear my throat. I have video of it. I'll post it soon.

Olivia -
She looks like a type writer when she's scoping something. Pane moves her shoulders and neck instead of turning her head. She also runs to her food bowl every night when we go to bed and meows to be pet while she eats.

Lila -
She gets in the sink when my wife goes to do her mourning routine.

They are all Siamese or Siamese mix so there's that too.
Zoe has to lie down under my feet in the living room. If I sit in the recliner, she sleeps with her head under the footrest. If I'm in the couch, she lies between the couch and the table. It wouldn't be bad except that a Great Dane takes up a LOT of space. And, when you accidentally step on her or put the footrest down, she freaks out. And, when a 100+ pound dog freaks out, stuff gets broken.
This is what my dog does after he is done eating a meal

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My family had a female named Betsy (and her tan big brother, Jack) that looked just like him. Really cute dogs and great pets.

Corgis are great dogs. I would recommend them to any family. They really are big dogs in a little body.
We've got two brother cats with extra toes (26 total between the two). They have nearly polar opposite personalities, except both are lovers...once they get to know you (sometimes takes minutes, other times, months). Both drink from the bathroom sink, only one likes running water and the other likes a little in the basin. One is the loudest mudder fugger you've ever heard--often at 3:00am.

We love 'em both, but often think about tossing the loud one outside at night (we are surrounded by open space and LOTS of coyotes, so it isn't really an option).
Our cat absolutely loves to take a crap in the bath tub. Even with perfectly good, unsoiled litter in her box (three feet from the tub), unless the scat mats are in the tub, she will go there without fail. And when she does use the cat box, she never buries her poo. I think she likes to revel in the stink of it.

Our dog absolutely will not eat her food unless everyone in the house settles down somewhere. It's gotten to the point where we hardly give her anything in the mornings since it's so hectic with everyone getting ready for the day. If she has a full bowl, she'll take a few nibbles and then guard the rest as if her life depended on it.
Our cat has a glass of water on the counter at all times...A GLASS! Upity little...never mind!

Loves to lay on a closed pizza box, or the (glass) stove after its cooled down enough from a meal but still warm.

I've been tempted to turn a burner back on.. ;-)
Lenny likes to lay in two different places at the same time. Also, her nose has the talent of making marks on all glass surfaces all day every day.

Wasn't mine, but one of my younger sisters had a cat the literally LOVED to shower. Every day at least once they had to turn the stand-alone shower (not tub/shower combo) on and let her jump around in the water. Then she walked out and shook herself like a dog would and would go lay down on a window sill to dry off. Absolutely crazy cat! Didn't believe it myself until I stopped over on a vacation. Not sure if they ever made a video of it.
Every night our dog, Ellie, will not come to bed unless we bring her food bowl and give her fresh water as we turn in. She'll stand by her food bowl, whether it's full or empty, and wag her tail staring curiously at us. No matter how much we call her, she'll stand by her dish until we bring it into the bedroom. It's pretty cute, really....I love that dog.
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We used to have a cat that would flush the toilet so he could get a cold drink of water when it refilled. Freaked us out for a while hearing toilets flush with no one in that part of the house until we figured out it was him.

Weird part was he would watch the water swirl down and move his head with the motion of the water as it rotated down the drain.
Lenny likes to lay in two different places at the same time. Also, her nose has the talent of making marks on all glass surfaces all day every day.


That's awesome. Our cats have done this to a number of windows as well.
Every morning when I try to enter the shower, I am blocked by this 18 lb. wildcat:

Actually, Gus is real pu$$ycat, and he stands on the other side of the shower curtain and yeeeeeooooowwwwws at me until I finally turn off the water, step out of the shower and head for the lav. Then, this is the 2nd part of the morning ritual:

Anybody else have a furry friend with unusual mannerisms? :biggrin:

I came across this old thread and it made me very sad. :(

We lost Gus last spring. If there’s a kitty heaven, this boy is there. I still miss him terribly.

Fortunately, his sister, May, is still here and she’s my good buddy. I can tell that she misses him too though.

Please give your furry friends a big hug!
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